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Q: Can toad eggs leave their mother?
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What do you do with toad eggs?

Nothing, leave them where they are and nature will take care of the rest.

What is the difference between salamander eggs and frog eggs?

ask if a frog and a toad r the same thing, then u will know what differece is

Can a toad lay eggs without mating?


Do the mother crocodiles watch the eggs or leave them?

Well no they go off to find food then come back :)

How do you know if a toad is pregnant?

Amphibians do not get pregnant, they lay eggs which are fertilised external to their bodies.

The lays long stringy masses of eggs?


How many eggs can a toad lay a month?


How is a toad's eggs different from a hen's egg?

A toad is an amphibian and a chicken is a bird, so we expect there to be large differences in their eggs. A toad must lay eggs in water because the eggs are a very simple egg cell with nutrients, surrounded by a protective layer of jelly. A chicken can lay eggs on dry land because its egg cell floats on a yolk which contains nutrients for the developing embryo;is surrounded by albumen which keeps the egg from drying out; and is covered by a hard shell which protects the egg and keeps water in while allowing carbon dioxide to leave the egg and oxygen to enter. So, the chicken egg is much more complicated than the toad egg.

How many eggs do a toad made at a time?

About 50-300 eggs. Sometimes more!

Can toads lay eggs without the male toad?

NO THEY CAN'T! they have to have somebody to make the eggs with them!

Does the mother and father ever leave the platypus behind?

The male has no part in the rearing of a young platypus. The female will not willingly leave the young behind. She is a dutiful mother, going without food and waters while incubating the eggs and in the early days after the eggs have hatched.

What is a salamander before it is a salamander?

First an embryo (egg-stage), later a larva (freeswimming stage)