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Q: Can tomato change the color of your bowel movement?
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Can consuming red wine cause bowel movement to change color to purple?

i suppose, if there has been nothing else in the system. Always check with your doctor though.

What color is puppy bowel movement?

It can be yellow-green, brown, black, or a mix of those colors.

What does it mean when a child has a pale bowel movement?

the child is dehydrated The dark color in a bowel movement (called 'Bile') normally comes from the Gall Bladder, which is connected to the Liver. When something stops the flow of the Bile, the bowel movement is light to white in color.See a doctor; the child may have Gallstones, or something wrong with their liver.

You are taking Allegra D - when you go have a bowel movement there is a pill in the same shape and form as the original pill - why?

Does anyone that takes Allegra D have it show up in their bowel movement as the same shape and color as the tablet taken?

Color of puppy bowel movements?

The color of a puppy's bowel movements is typically dark brown. Occasionally a puppy's bowel will be a green or black color.

What causes green bowel movement?

The color of your stool ranges from brown to green. Having green bowel movement is sometimes regular. Having green bowel movement is caused when food is moving through your large intestine too quickly. The bile in your stomach is unable to break down the food fast enough. Eating green leafy vegetables or food that contain green dye can also result in green stool.

Will a female dog have a bowel change when they are in heat?

Yes, their feces will be less hardened and lighter in color while in heat.

What organelle in a tomato plant gives the tomato the red color?

the color pigments are known as chromoplast

What exactly does green bowel movement refer to?

My 3yr old son had blue icing from my dad's birthday cake and the next day his bowels were blue/green. I think if it's on a regular basis I would call the pediatrician but just once in a while I'm not alarmed.

What is defecation?

Defecation is the process of passing stool or having a bowel movement. It is the process of removing undigested food waste (usually brown in color) from the human body.

What organelle in a tomato plant gives the tomato its red color?

the color pigments are known as chromoplast

What are 2 properties of tomato juice that you would be able to observe?

I am able to observe the color of tomato juice (red) and the phase of tomato juice (liquid).