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yes they will cause a skin rash the sings for one would be,

-itching in the spot the rash is or all over your body

-Red marks forming on your arm magically [if arms red from something else your OK]

-Pain coming from your body when you do something

- and the last thing if in your private or any other places apply rash cream as soon as you notice this unfamiliar red spot on you.

[skin disease is not likely to happen but if not cared for a long time may cause a slightly bad reaction]

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Q: Can you get a rash from eating too much citrus fruit?
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Absolutely, I get a rash when I consume an excessive amount of eggs, yogurt, and citrus fruit. This rash pledged me for years until someone suggested I see an Allergist and get tested for food allergies. I manage my consumption of these items and I have been rash free for almost three years. Thank goodnes..

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I get a burning sensation on the skin around my mouth everytime I eat an orange. Also, my lips get a kind of numblike and pins and needles feeling. I was just reading about allergies to citrus fruits, I am sure that's what I have, it only happens when I eat an orange. My hands burn too if I get any juice from an organge on my hand, or juice from a lemon. Where you eating a citrus fruit before you got the rash? If not, were you eating something else that may have caused it? Good Luck!

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Developing a skin rash from limes indicates that you may be allergic their juices. Stay away from citrus fruits and apply a steroidal cream to relieve the rash.

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No. Just fat. Note that some people have food allergies, but it doesn't take much to trigger that.

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no not at all!!

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Why do i break out with a rash when you get lemon or orange juice on myself?

you have sensitive skin, or you could be having an allergic reaction to citrus

Can orange juice give you a rash?

no, because what is the point of having fruit juices that give you a rash, it makes no sense at all so the answer is no.

What causes a blistery rash around and on lips like a cold sore but it spread and was pumpy like poison oak on the corners of the mouth and on the lips like little blisters?

An allergy to mango skin could do it. The mango plant is related to poison ivy, oak, and sumac. It has the same oils in the leaves and skin of the fruit, though they are much less concentrated. It usually takes 12 to 24 hours for symptoms to appear. If you think this could be what caused your rash, be sure to remove the skin of the mango completely before eating the fruit in the future.

How do you stop an allergic reaction to citrus fruits?

I saw a dermatologist yesterday for a rash around my lips that I've had for 2 weeks, and she determined that it's from eating citrus. (I eat a grapefruit or orange nearly daily.) She told me to stop eating those kinds of fruits and prescribed me "Hydrocortisone Butyrate ointment .01% - Rx only" that I'm instructed to apply twice daily. So it has only been one day so far, and I see a difference already; the redness & swelling around my lips have gone down. You may want to ask a pharmacist if the over-the-counter hydrocortizone works the same as my prescribed ointment. (But I think I'll keep eating fruits, knowing that this stuff clears it up quickly.) Answer Your creams may clear it up, but unless you stop eating citrus for a good period of time, your allergic reaction will continue to increase to the point where you cannot eat citrus at all.