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Q: Can too much cholesterol lead up to clogged arteries?
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Can eating cornstarch give you clogged arteries?

No. Clogged arteries are caused by too much 'bad' cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood...nothing to do with cornstarch.

Can skinny people get clogged arteries?

Yes, too much cholesterol will clog them.

What tends to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood?

A major reason for wanting to lower your blood cholesterol is to stop it from clogging your arteries. Clogged arteries can lead to health problems and heart problems.

Which statement is not true?

The body does not make enough cholesterol.

What is the role of cholesterol in heart?

Cholesterol is either absorbed from food or made in the body. This synthesis can take place in most cells in the body including the cells of the heart, however cholesterol does not only come from the heart. Cholesterol can lead to clogging of arteries around the heart leading to heart problems.

How much butter does it take to clog your arteries I like butter on toast and eat it a lot Will I get my arteries clogged for eating butter on toast all the time?

What clogs your arteries is the bad type of cholesterol. Some of this can come from diet and some can be made naturally by your body. Rather than worry about butter go and get a cholesterol test every 2-3 years to see if you have a problem. If you do then take medical advice about how best to address this. i dont know, why do you think i call it i cnat belive it is clogging my arteries!!!

What substance clogs the arteries after eating too much fatty foods?


Too much fats causes what?

You get very, very, very round, chubby, and fat!!!

Common laboratory tests associated with the circulatory system?

Cardiovascular disease can be diagnosed sooner by having routine lab tests completed. A cholesterol test will let the doctor know how much bad cholesterol your body has, which is an indication that you may have clogged arteries. A C-reactive protein test may also be performed.

What happening to your heart when you eating fatty foods?

It is not the fat to be worried so much about as much as cholesterol. If the food is high fat and cholesterol, then the arteries (hence the heart) suffer over time.

Why exactly is cholesterol bad for you?

What Does Bad Cholesterol Do to You?When do much LDL or bad cholesterol circulate in your blood, it can form deposits on the arteries that supply blood to the heart and brain. This will gradually lead to a hard plaque on the artery walls making them thick and inflexible. If this buildup is so great that there is a blockage on these arteries, one could get heart attacks and strokes - and there's no good way to spin either one of those results.What Does Good Cholesterol Do to Help?It carries the bad cholesterol back to the liver where it is passed out from the body. It also slows the buildup of the plaque on the arterial walls.

What harm does cholesterol do to the body?

too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to heart and blood vessel disease.