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Too much of any single substance can be harmful. Lime juice concentrate is extremely acidic, so ingesting more than a few tablespoons without dilution might cause very painful stomach irritation and burning.

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Q: Can too much lime juice concentrate harm you?
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How much lime juice concentrate is equivalent to one lime?

According to the RealLime 100% Lime Juice from concentrate bottle label: 1/2 cup of RealLime juice = 1/2 cup fresh lime juice So...1 cup of RealLime "concentrate" juice equals 1 cup of fresh lime juice.

How much reconstituted lime juice is equal to a quarter of a cup of fresh lime juice?

A quarter of a cup...

What does from concentrate mean on a can of juice?

Juice from concentrate is essentially the same as regular juice, except that it is (or was, for packaging purposes) missing much of its water. When this water is added back into the concentrate, the resulting juice is labeled "from concentrate." The nutritional information, if nothing else about the juice has changed, is the same as 100% juice that has not been reconcentrated.

How much lime juice equals one lime?

IT all depends on how good the crop was there could be only 1/2-1 tbsp. However, if you're making a recipe and it calls for the juice of one lime, you can use 2 tbsp of lime juice. Make sure it is not concentrated, or it would end up being too much.

A solution containing water and lime juice would be?

A solution of water and lime juice would be pretty much the same throughout; it would be homogenous.

How much lime juice do you add to a whole bottle of southern comfort to have premixed soco lime shots?

Soco and lime shots are made with Rose's lime or some other sweetened lime juice. 1.5oz soco and a splash of sweeetened lime juice a splash is less than 0.5oz a litre of soco is 33oz a fifth(750ml) is 25 oz so if you have a litre mix it with about 7-10oz sweetend lime juice if you have a fifth mix it with about 5-7oz sweetened lime juice

What is the pH of lime juice?

How much energy can a lime prduce?what is the PH?3.Does lime contain acid?

Will lime harm a evergreen tree?

Lime will change the PH of the soil. Evergreens like a acid soil and lime will add to much alkaline.

What is the difference between regular limes and key limes?

key limes are much smaller, but have more intense flavor. When using the juice in cooking, use about 1/3rd less key lime juice than lime juice for the same results.

How much does a half of a lemon equal in juice?

Slice a lime in half and squeeze the juice out of one of the halves.

How much does a cup of lime juice weigh?

depends on the size of the cup

How much does lime juice weigh?

We have a tahitian lime tree and the largest lime weighs 10g, with an average of 100g per lime.