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Q: Can too much salt in softener damage clothes if washed?
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Why clothes shrink after washed?

The reason why clothes shrink when we wash them is because we wash them in cold water. Try washing them in warm water and do not add to much fabric softener because it can also ruin your clothes.

Does bleach create holes in clothes from splatter?

No, It Does Not. If You Add To Much Bleach It May Permanently Damage The Clothing, Though.

How much water should be in the bottom of your water softener?

4 inches

Can antipsychotic medications be washed out of the body by drinking much water?

Seroquel is metabolized by the liver. Drinking excessive water would cause liver damage and possible failure.

Why does dark laundry come out with white dust or lint on it?

Are you using washing powders or liquid? If you are using powder, then this is soap residue from incompletely dissolved powder. Put the washing powder in FIRST because it will have more time to dissolve before being spread throughout the wash. Also use less powder. Most manufacturers provide a graduated measuring scoop to gauge the size of the load. Most likely you are using too much powder for the size of your load. A rule of thumb when you are washing darks is to use about 1/4 less soap than you think you need. A little practice will ensure that the clothes will be clean but spot free using less washing powders. Other causes might be that you are crowding your machine. Put your wash in dry before you turn on the machine. The clothes should fit in the machine without pushing them down or packing. After all, the water must circulate throughout the clothes freely much like washing yourself. When there is too much in the machine, the clothes don't turn with the agitator and the washing materials don't dissolve correctly because the clothes are pressing on the soap, sticking to the clothes. When was the last time you wiped out your machine? Like all surfaces anywhere, the drum of your machine needs to be cleaned periodically. Soap residue will cling to the bottom and the sides of your machine just like your kitchen sink. A wipe about once a month will take care of the problem. If you use a liquid fabric softener in your machine, skip adding it when you wash darks. Fabric softener is another culprit. You have added enough softener when you washed the whites and brights so there is sufficient softener clinging to the sides of the machine when you do darks. Finally, check pockets carefully when you wash. Turn out deep pockets so that the lint in them can fall out in the wash cycle. This will prevent accidental washing of tissues and receipts which will leave lint on your clothes.

How much bleach to use for white clothes?

Carefully follow the directions on the bottle of bleach. Too much bleach can actually burn holes in your clothes. With anything white, you need to remember that white is a color. This is important because fabric starts out as a gray color before it is dyed. If your whites are looking a little gray, it is because you have bleached or simply washed out the color of white over time! No amount of bleach is going to make a garment white if the color has been bleached or washed out!

How much fabric softener can kill you?

Depends what height it falls from or how hard Vinny throws it.

Why was fabric softener invented?

Fabric softeners were invented when the detergent industry moved away from using "soap" and started using synthetic detergents, AKA surfactants, as the cleaning, foaming and emulsifying ingredients in laundry detergents. True soap forms familar soap-scum in hard water. A little of this was always left on clothes washed with soap and gave clothes just a touch of softness and flexibility (lubricity) but also could build-up over time causing dinginess. Surfactants generally rinse out of clothes very well and do not leave much of a residue. They left the clothes so clean that they felt harsh and stiff. Thus the need for fabric softeners. Fabric softeners also bring in another benefit - static reduction - which became very important as synthetic fibers and clothes driers began to be used more widely.

How much can you get for unworn clothes?

It depends how much you spent on the clothes.

You washed your chapstick and it left a stain in your clothes How can you get rid of the stain?

If the stained clothes went through the wash, some of the staining may not come out. If there is any waxiness, start by scraping off as much chapstick as you can without damaging the fabric. Then rub both sides of the stain with detergent and wash it in hot water.

How much does it cost to run a water softener per year?

The price will vary based on the type and model of water softener. However, most softeners run at least $200 a year, plus the original cost.

Which state did hurricane Katrina did the most?

I lived threw the hurricane Katrina in my home state Mississippi...A lot of people would say Louisiana had the most damage...HOWEVER it was a lot of flooding and had much damage, Mississippi had the most deaths and damage in my opinion. Whole neighborhood were washed away including severals schools, our library, and also our loved ones