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Humans very rarely get bitten by members of most species of Spiders that have trapdoor to close their burrow entrances. So it is impossible to tell how toxic the bites of some trapdoor spiders might be. There is one kind of dangerous spider in Australia that builds burrows and closes them off with a trapdoor. They belong to the genus Hadronyche. They are similar to another kind of funnel web spider that does not make a trapdoor, Atrax. In a quarter of all cases of reported bites there were severe consequences. There have only been 64 cases in the past 23 years. Nobody has died of these bites since antevenom was developed.

There are other trapdoor spiders whose bites are not regarded as medical problems. The fangs are big enough to make their bites painful the same way sticking yourself with a darning needle would be painful, but the venom does not bother humans very much.

In between these extremes there will be cases where a spider that is capable of giving a medically significant bite does not inject enough venom into the wound to cause big problems, and there will also be species that have venoms of intermediate toxicity.

These spiders generally have poor vision and depend on vibrations that they sense through their legs. So it is possible to get bitten simply by lightly touching the ground near a burrow. People who keep these spiders for study have to be careful not to put their hands into their cages to remove dead insects, put water into their little bowls, etc.

Unless you live in Australia it is highly unlikely that you will ever get a serious bite, but people should always respect spiders. It is rare for spiders even to be belligerent guards of their territories, so there is little reason to expect that a trapdoor spider might "come after you." On the other hand, if a human forces himself or herself on the spider's attention by causing it fear and/or pain, then the human is just asking to get a defensive bite. Since we don't know for sure which of these very shy creatures might have some unusual toxin that could be a big problem for us, it is better to avoid doing anything that could get the spider to bite.

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13y ago

its depends is the vemon of the spider is a real issue

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Yes Yes

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Q: Can trapdoor spiders kill a human?
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