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No! because tropical fish live in heated water and koi in cold water.

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Q: Can tropical fish live with Koi fish in the same aquarium?
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Can guppies live in the same aquarium as a goldfish?

No. Guppies need a heater, whereas gold fish will overheat. Also, they will eat the guppies.

Can you put tropical and goldfish in the same aquarium?

It's not recommended due to the temperature differences (goldfish is a cold water fish and tropical are, well, tropical), also a goldfish will produce a lot more ammonia which it is slightly more able to resist than most tropical species. But over all it is possible.

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they are an example of Crestations, or they all live in the same areas of coastal waters, depending on the species of crestation. ~Gabby Johnson

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I am not sure of the question but an Freshwater Angelfish is sold as a freshwater tropical fish.

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Can live bearing fish be mixed in the same aquarium as egg layers?

Yes. Provided that the other fish are not large enough to eat them. Livebearers are often included in community aquaria.

Can tropical fish live wth brackish fish?

Tropical and brackish are not mutually exclusive. Tropical means warm, and brackish means somewhat salty. Many brackish fish ARE tropical, and many tropical fish are brackish. You can keep tropical brackish fish with other tropical brackish fish, if they have the same temperment and will not harm or eat eachother. You can keep some brackish fish with some freshwater tropicals, and similarly you can keep some brackish fish with some marine tropicals. There are no wide open set of principles for brackish fish compatability beyond those that I have just illustrated.

What kind of creature is a guppy?

Guppy fish is a type of live-bearing fish, as they give birth to live fish after a certain gestation period. The guppy is one of the most popular aquarium fish, and as a live-bearing fish, for he is considered to be quite easy to take care of and has the shortest gestation period of all live-bearing fish.

Does this sound like a good tropical fish community?

Tropical fish must be mixed with other fish that are well adapted to the same community as the tropical fish are. These would be fish that are non-aggressive, and like basically the same foods, water temperatures, plants and environment.