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Q: Can twins of the same gender reproduce?
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Why Can fraternal twins be different gender but identical twins are always the same gender?

fraternal twins have two different chromosomes

Which gender is homozygous?

Homozygous means "the same egg." That refers to identical twins. Identical twins are always the same gender since they have the same chromosomes.

Do twins need to be in the same sac to be identical?

they are always the same gender

Are fraternal twins never the same sex?

Fraternal twins can be the same sex or opposite sexes. It doesn't matter.

What are MZ and DZ Twin Pairs?

MZ twins are identical twins that share 100% of the same DNA. DZ twins share only 50% of their DNA (fraternal twins). MZ twins are always the same gender, whereas DZ twins can be the same gender or one male and one female. DZM would be the male pairing of DZ twins, DZF is the female pairing, and DZO is when there is a male and a female.

Why can fraternal twins different genders but identical are always the same gender?

fraternal twins have two different chromosomes

Why are identical twins are the same gender?

Identical twins start out as one egg that for some reason splits in two, and both halves develops into individuals. Genetically, they have to be the same. They have the same DNA.

Twins formed by the fertilization of two ova by two sperm are?

They would be fraternal twins. Identical twins are created when one sperm fertilized one egg, and hat egg then splits in two. Identical twins are always the same gender, while fraternal twins can be either gender, or a mix of the two.

Can conjoined twins be different gender?

Nature has various safety valves. That is one of them. Conjoined Twins are identical twins with a natural connective bond, therefore they always take the same sex. Fraternal twins, like the fictional Bobbseys, can be Boy and Girl.

Why indentical twins have the same features?

Identical twins, or in-fraternal twins, are the offspring that look exactly alike and are of the same gender, sharing the same exact genetic information. In-fraternal twins occur when a fertilized ovum (egg) has divided and each went on to become an embryo containing exact same genetic information.

Are monozygotic twins opposite sex?

No, monozygotic twins would be the same sex. Monozygotic twins come from one single fertilized egg, or zygote, which then splits to create two separate zygotes which will be genetically identical, or "identical twins", which will always be of the same gender.

Can identical twins be of different sexes?

They can be. While identical twins always have to be the same gender, fraternal twins usually are not. However this is not always the case. Identical twins occur because they inhabit the same egg. Fraternal twins because two eggs were fertilized at the same time. So fraternal twins could be the same gender, but usually they are of the opposite gender.