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The rhesus factor (positive or negative) of the child will be either positive or negative if one or both parents are positive, but the blood group can't be determined without knowing what both parents are. All humans inherit 2 blood alleles from their parents (one from each). Depending on the blood groups inherited, these will be made from either A,B or O. One of the 2 inherited alleles will become the dominant one, and therefore decide which blood group that person will end up being. It's possible for all blood groups (except "O") to have either 2 identical alleles or 2 different ones, but with the blood group "O", both alleles have to be "O". So both parents have to pass on the "O" allele to the child because blood group "O" can only occur if the allele is "OO". It's a little confusing, but put simply ......for your child to be "O" both parents need to pass on an "O" allele to the child. The rhesus factor is a whole different thing.

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Q: Can two a rh postivie parents have a 0 rh positive child?
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If two parents have A-negative and O-negative bloodtypes is it possible for their child to be A-positive?

No. Two rhesus-negative parents cannot have a rhesus-positive child.

Can two parents with o positive have a child with a A negative blood type?

it is possible but the child can be a positive

Can two parents with O positive blood have a A positive child?

No, it is impossible to get an A-type from two O-types.

Can two parents with blood type A positive have a child with O positive blood type?

Yes, if both parents have the genotype AO, then the child can have the O from both parents, phenotype O

Can two parents with A positive blood have a child with O negative blood type?


Can an ab positive father and an ab positive mother parent an a positive child?

Yes. Both parents have an A allele and a B allele. Each parent can only pass on one of his/her two alleles. If each parent passes an A allele to the child, then the child will have group A blood. If at least one parent passes on an Rh positive allele to the child, then the child would also be type Rh positive. So these two parents could have an A positive child.

Can two A positive blood type parents have a child with O negative blood?

Yes. The geneotype for both parents must be AO+- for the child to be OO--

Can two parents with the O positive blood type with O blood positive type as well are they compactible?

There are no limitations on compatibility of parents based on blood type. Two O positive parents may have a child without any special concerns.

Can two parents who have positive blood type have a child with negative blood type?

yes they can

If two parents have A positive blood what would the child most likily have?

Could only be A+

Does a double negative number equal a positive number?

no it doesnt. two negative numbers equal a negative number. two postivie numbers equal a positive number. one negative and one positive number equal a negative number.

Can both parents with A positive have a child with AB positive?

No. If two parents both have A blood then they are either AA or Ai. This means they can have a child with AA, Ai, or ii (O blood). To get AB there must be a B somewhere.