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  • Yes, a man can be married and fall deeply in love with another woman. Some men may love their wife, but something is missing in their marriage so they will have an affair with someone that will fill those needs and some men are capable of loving their wife and mistress. However, in most cases when the man thinks his needs are being met by his mistress that relationship often grows stale because he has just brought along some of his own problems into the extramarital affair. Some men may enjoy the freedom to have an affair because it is an adrenaline rush, or, they may feel the need to know that other women are still attracted to him. Men that cheat do run the risk of ending a good marriage and destroying any relationship with his wife and any children that may be involved and find out too late that there is no going back to rectify the problem.
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13y ago
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13y ago
  • Anything is possible. Some people get married and realize they are not well suited for each other. Meanwhile they have made friends with others, and it can happen that the woman of one couple gets along better with the other married man. And the same applies to her husband getting along better with the other man's wife.


They can, but in terms of what is right since they made promises upon marrying, they can't. Leaving someone for someone else is usually not the best decision in the long term.

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Q: Can two married people fall in love with two other married people?
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