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i gues.. but be VERYYY careful!!

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Q: Can two people with braces french kiss?
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Are people with braces better kissers?

Whether someone is a good kisser or not has more to do with their skills and technique than with whether they have braces. Braces may require some adjustments in kissing technique to avoid discomfort, but they do not necessarily make someone a better or worse kisser.

Can you show me a moving pic of French kissing?

If you go on youtube and put french kissing or if you don't know how to kiss put how to french kiss and that should help/ show you what it looks like when two people french kiss!! =-b

If two people have braces will it hurt to kiss?

No! And it won't get caught like in those myths... Just don't put your tongue on their teeth? Haha

What are French rights?

A frech kiss is between two people and they have to kiss for at least 5 seconds. A lot go people do it on the streets. Some of them are long and some are shorter around 5-6 second. the loges french kiss was 130 hours and 2 minutes

What happens when two peopole that have ortadontic braces kiss?

Well the results may not be that fun. It MAY get stuck and your two braces would get attached. I imagine it wouldn't be fun to UN-attach them, huh?

How do you kiss when you have braces?

Well, coming from me, a 12 year old girl with braces ... nothing is different! Just lean and kiss! Same as a kiss with a boy without braces! Good Luck!

How can you and make out with some one when you both have braces with out getting stuck?

Your braces aren't going to get stuck. That's just a "RUMOR"

Why do French people greet each other with a kiss?

You greet people with a kiss on the cheek (or two, three, up to four) when you have a special relationship with them (friendship, family). There is no special reason for that, this is the way people do it here (just as Americans and their hugging, which seems weird to the few French who know about it). Men just shake hands of their male friends.

When you should have a french kiss with your boyfriend?

It depends on you. If you think you two are ready for it, THEN GO!

Is it wrong to french kiss on your second date?

It really depends on how ready the two of you are

How do you do a butterfly kiss?

A butterfly kiss is when two people ( or butterflies ) rub noses. Hopefully, if and when you do this, you don't sneeze.

When two sick people kiss does it lower the bug?
