

Can two rats be in the same cage?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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11y ago

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If two brothers are kept together from birth it is unlikely that they will fight with any dramatic effects. They will have the occasional scuffle, but this is for dominance and one usually gives in before there is blood shed. In my experience (and i bred rats for the local pet shop for ten years) male rats will not live together too peacefully if they are strangers being introduced to each other after they are about 12 weeks old...although depending on the individual temperament of the rats they may come to tolerate each other. i prefer to keep two male rats together, as opposed to keeping them separate (they are social animals and need company) and i prefer male rats to female rats as they are usually more docile and easier to tame. And there are obvious problems to keeping a male and female rat together. When getting a rat, it is the best option to purchase two brother rats together.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Absolutely. Rats are social animals and love to have other rats around. They may fight at first, but after a few scuffles they will be just fine. If you notice one that is routinely aggressive (and you'll notice by the time he's about 6 months old) he can be neutered by a vet and he'll likely settle down.

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11y ago

actually,some people keep them together,some you should first know the gender of both of your rats.If both of em' are boys,they can leave peacfully together,some people say that if you put them together,they could kill each other but thats not true.And if both of em' are female,they can't leave pecfully together,they'll probably like fight or don't be frendly with each other,but the best is keeping female and male rats together,they can even have babies together.

Quess this helped ^_^

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12y ago

It depends if they are friendly or agressive, i would try to see how they get on by putting them in the same cage for a minute or two. If it works, then great! Otherwise seperate them.

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Yes, some rats can live together. There are certain types of rats that dont like to live with each other. If you want 2 rats in the same cage, i would recommend getting 2 rats from the same species. Liek if your going to get a dumbo dwarf rat. You should get another dumbo dwarf so they live good with each other.

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If your rat is freaking out, introduce a same sex cage mate because rats are highly social animals.

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Absolutely! In fact, if they get along, it's better to have more than one rat. But I wouldn't recommend going over 4 or 5. You don't want any of the rats getting claustrophobic or sick from crowding.

Do rats have nest?

yup, wild ones almost always do. And pet rats have their cage.

How many cm in length and height should a cage for two or three rats be?

Well for three rats there should be three levels I don't know the length or width but there should be a lot of space and that is because as they get bigger they need more room. My friend has rats and she had hers made I don't where but it is great it has three levels and she has four rats but the bottom level is close to the bottom of the cage and so it is a hiddy sort of place and she has so many toys you can't see the rats. If you get a cage get one with levels.