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Albinism is a recessive trait, meaning that an albino person has the genotype AA, while a person who isn't albino has the trait Aa or AA. Two albino people (AA x AA) will have all albino children. Aa x AA will have a 50% probability of albino children, and 50% normal children who are carriers (Aa). AA x AA will have all normal children who are carriers (Aa). Aa x Aa will have 25% AA (normal/non carriers), 25% AA (albino), and 50% Aa (normal/carriers) offspring. AA x AA will have all normal children who are not carriers (AA).

*A person who has the genotype Aa is a carrier because they carry the allele (a) for albinism but they are not albino. The allele (A) is dominant so it covers the (a) allele.

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No, they can't. Because you like licking the floor, don't you, Jimmy?

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11y ago

yes it is possible but not sure of it but you can contact a consultant

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Q: Can two white people have an albino baby?
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Is it possible for two black people to have a white baby?

Not unless the baby is an albino or has some other skin pigmentation disorder.

What are the chances of having an albino baby if the mother is white with albino traits and the father black?

Hello, Ms or Mrs I am albino. I am a female. Your answer is, Not necessarily there is a 50/50 chance if you are without the jean which you might want to get your blood checked for it. I want you to know that albinisim isnt racisit there is Calcasian and Black albinos! So if you do have the jean but are not a albino then you and your male or female partner could have a albino baby or a child that is without albinisim.

What is the scientific name for an albino peacock?

The scientific name for an albino peacock is Pavo cristatus. Albino peacocks lack melanin pigmentation in their feathers, giving them a white or cream coloration.

What was the color of the first person?

black people was here on earth first. two black people can create an white person call an albino two albinos create an white person over time. And if you really want to take it there white people came from monkey and cave... you cant trace white people pass 6,000 years ago, but you can trace black people pass 10,000 years ago.

If you have two white ducks what breed are they?

albino, i think. how big are these ducks? are you sure you're not getting them confused with GEESE?

Can two white people produce a Asian baby?

yes , but not naturally you have to have a Asian sperm inserted

Can two white people have a coloured person?

if you're asking if two white people can make a black baby then no, they can't because they don't have the gene that codes for that pigment. I mutation could occur and they could have a baby that could be darker or lighter than they are, but in general no, they can't.

What does it mean when you see a flock of black birds and a white bird in the middle?

If there is only one or two white birds in a pretty large flock, it is probably an albino.

What color is the white horse?

No, white is NOT a color in horses. After years and years of studying I can tell you that although a horse may seem white, they are technically considered to be grey. There are many different types of grey, but NO white. Some people may argue that they have seen a white horse, but they have either seen grey or albino horses. Albinos will have pink skin and greys have black skin. You may say white, but many horse people will disagree with you.

What are the names of all albino animals?

An albino animal is an animal that is competently white. They also have red eyes. Albino animals are rare to see in zoos and the wild. Most albinos can't see, so the wild albinos usually die. Zoo kept albinos are rare because in breeding it is difficult to get an albino in the first place. As you see in the picture, two ostriches are completely white. Those are albino ostriches. But not every white animal you see is albino. It has to ave pink skin around the eye and a red eye. Just because you see a white dog or cat does not mean it is albino.

Can two black albino people make a black kid?

Yes, two black albino people can have a black child. Albinism is a genetic condition that affects the production of melanin, but it doesn't change a person's underlying genetic makeup. The child would still inherit genes from their parents that determine their race.

How are albino animals made?

Albino animals are born due to a rare recessive genetic mutation that prevents any pigments in the skin from developing, making the animal appear pink or white with red eyes. Two normal looking animals can produce albino offspring if they both carry one normal gene which allows pigment development and one albino gene. If they breed together and both pass on the albino gene to the offspring, it will appear albino.