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Q: Can undiagnosed colon cancer stop menstruation?
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Excision refers to the removal of the cancer and its effects. Resection of a tumor in the colon can end the effects of obstruction, for instance, or removal of a breast carcinoma can stop the cancer.

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Only females are affected by monthly menstruation.

How can you stop menstruation?

You can't.

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Can a full stop be used before a colon?

no a full stop would be used in place of a colon. Either use a full stop or a colon but never use both

What You Need to Know About Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer occurs in the large intestine, which is also known as the colon. The colon is located in the lower area of the digestive system. Colon cancer often starts off as benign polyps but over time these polyps turn in to cancer. Diagnosing colon cancer in the earliest stages is imperative to survival.SymptomsMany people experience no symptoms with colon cancer in the earliest stages. When symptoms do arise, they often present at varying degrees depending on the location and size of the cancer. The most common symptoms of colon cancer are fatigue or weakness, sudden weight loss, the feeling that the bowel does not completely empty, blood in the stool or rectal bleeding, persistent discomfort in the abdomen such as gas, pain or cramps, and changes in normal bowel habits like constipation or diarrhea. It's important to note that these symptoms are quite general and are often the sign of another medical condition that is not colon cancer. It's important, however, to talk with your doctor if you experience the symptoms of colon cancer. Risk FactorsAlthough colon cancer can affect a person of any gender, race or age it is more common in those that exhibit certain risk factors. People over the age of 50 are more likely to develop colon cancer as are African-Americans and those with a family history of colon cancer, polyps or inflammatory intestinal conditions. Other risk factors include obesity, diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle, a low-fiber and high-fat diet, smoking and heavy alcohol consumption. TreatmentOnce a diagnosis of colon cancer is made, different treatment options are available based on the stage and progression of the cancer. Surgery is available for early-stage, invasive and advanced colon cancer. Other treatment options include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and targeted drug therapy. A combination of treatments may be necessary to effectively remove all of the cancer. PreventionAlthough the exact causes of colon cancer are unknown, there are some things you can do to lower your risk. If you have an increased risk of colon cancer or if you are African-American or American Indian, start getting screened at age 45. Those with an average risk should begin screening at age 50. Eating plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables may help to prevent colon cancer. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise each day and maintain a healthy weight. Finally, stop smoking to also help lower your risk of developing colon cancer.

Can you stop getting your period?

Yes, you can stop getting your period.Obviously pregnancy would stop menstruation, and some health conditions could stop menstruation. If you wanted to stop menstruation you could use menstrual suppression or have a hysterectomy, obviously both of these are risky so only done as a last option.

What to take to stop period on fourth day?

You can't stop your period once it's started - although there are medications to delay menstruation or suppress menstruation, there is nothing that can stop menstruation half way through because the process has already begin.

How does pregnancy stop menstruation?

because the ovaries stop realising eggs

Why did your menstruation cycle stop?

You're prego.

What are the myths of menstruation?

A myth about menstruation says it is abnormal. And another says if you have sex it can stop menstrual pain.

Does having a bath during periods stop the periods?

No, having a bath during periods does not stop periods. Menstruation isdetermined by your menstrual cycle, water is amazing but it does not have the magical ability to stop time in order to stop menstruation.