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Q: Can use use an X1 film capacitor in place of an X3 capacitor?
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C program to design a car?

#include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<math.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define RAD 3.141592/180 class fig { private: int x1,x2,y1,y2,xinc,yinc; public: void car() { xinc=10;yinc=10; x1=y1=10; x2=x1+90;y2=y1+35; int poly[]={x1+5,y1+10,x1+15,y1+10,x1+20,y1,x1+50,y1,x1+60,y1+10,x1+90,y1+17,x1+90,y1+20,x1+5,y1+20,x1+5,y1+10}; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,1,2); setcolor(4); drawpoly(9,poly); line(x1+15,y1+10,x1+60,y1+10); line(x1+20,y1+10,x1+20,y1); line(x1+35,y1+10,x1+35,y1); line(x1+50,y1+10,x1+50,y1); floodfill(x1+18,y1+8,4); floodfill(x1+28,y1+8,4); floodfill(x1+36,y1+8,4); floodfill(x1+52,y1+8,4); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,4); floodfill(x1+18,y1+12,4); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); bar(x1+5,y1+20,x1+90,y1+25); setcolor(DARKGRAY); circle(x1+20,y1+25,8); circle(x1+20,y1+25,6); setfillstyle(1,8); floodfill(x1+21,y1+25,8); circle(x1+70,y1+25,8); circle(x1+70,y1+25,6); floodfill(x1+71,y1+25,8); int size=imagesize(x1,y1,x2,y2); void far *buf=farmalloc(size); getimage(x1,y1,x2,y2,buf); while(!kbhit()) { putimage(x1,y1,buf,XOR_PUT); x1+=xinc;x2+=xinc; if(x2<(getmaxx()-10)) putimage(x1,y1,buf,COPY_PUT); else { cleardevice(); x1=10;x2=x1+90; y1+=yinc;y2+=yinc; if(y2<(getmaxy()-10)) { putimage(x1,y1,buf,COPY_PUT); } else {y1=10;y2=y1+35;} } delay(200); } farfree(buf); getch(); } } } } void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"d:\\cplus"); fig f;; cleardevice(); closegraph(); }

How do you draw a square using line command?

Line (x1, y1, x2, y1); Line (x2, y1, x2, y2); Line (x2, y2, x1, y2); Line (x1, y2, x1, y1);

How do you check a capacitor to see if it is good or bad?

There are many ways. FIRST: short the terminals to ensure it is not charged. Many of the digital meters today also have a capacitance check setting, simply use that setting. It not only checks for faults, but also will give you a reading of the capacitance value itself. For most non-electrolytic capacitors a quick check (definately bad vs. maybe good) can be done with an analog VOM. Use the highest resistance scale to measure across the terminals. When first connected there should be a short needle jump that slowly drops back to infinity. Reverse the leads and do it again, should have the same effect. Any resistance highter than infinity indicates a shorted capacitor. Lack of needle jump may indicate an open capacitor (or one of very little capacitance). Electrolytics can also be checked with a VOM, but polarity must be observed, and the drop back to infinity may take a very long time. Alternatively, for electrolytics and larger capacitors is to charge them with a low voltage source (e.g. 9V battery) and measure with multimeter to see if they hold the charge.

What is the difference between Regula-falsi method and secant method?

Regula-Falsi Method evaluates using assumed variables like "a", "b", f(a), f(b) Secant Method Directly works with x1, x2, f(x1), f(x2) Difference is in the Assignment pattern only, otherwise both are used to find root of Non-Linear equations using the same procedure which is: x1= [a * f(b) - b * f(a)]/[f(b)-f(a)] x1= [x0 * f(x1) - x1 * f(x0)]/[f(x1)-f(x0)] Thank You :-)

How do you draw a line on Java Graphics?

Drawing a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) using a default Graphics object: graphics.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);

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Help with building this dragon deck please?

Hi. I'm new to this, so I dont know where else to post the whole question, so I'll just post in answers. As I was saying, I need help with my deck. I've been wanting to enter a tournament, but I don't think my deck is ready. I've looked at other ways to build decks, but I only have a handful of the necessary cards, since I'm not really allowed to buy anymore new cards. Here are the cards I currently hold : Fusion : King Dragun x1 Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1 Monsters : Blue Eyes White Dragon x3 Blue Eyes Shining Dragon x1 Paladin of White Dragon x2 Felgrand Dragon x1 Rare Metal Dragon x1 Kaiser Sea Horse x2 Divine Dragon Ragnarok x1 Lord of D. x2 Tyrant Dragon x1 Mirage Dragon x1 The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave x1 The Creator x1 Berserk Dragon x1 Decoy Dragon x1 Armed Dragon lv3 x1 Armed Dragon lv5 x1 Spear Cretin x1 Morphing Jar x1 Masked Dragon x1 White Horned Dragon x1 Horus the Black Flame Dragon x1 Red Eyes B. Chick x1 Red Eyes Black Dragon x1 Red Eyes Darkness Dragon x1 Luster Dragon x1 Spells : Monster Reborn x1 White Dragon Ritual x2 Mausoleum of the Emperor x1 Burst Stream of Destruction x1 Polymerization x2 Trade In x1 The Flute of Summoning Dragon x1 Deal with Dark Ruler x1 Spell Absorption x1 Stamping Destruction x1 Traps : Draining Shield x1 The Dragon's Bead x1 Dragon's Rage x1 Trap Jammer x1 Magic Jammer x1 My strategy is to get my strongest monsters in the graveyard, then use monster abilities to help me summon them back, or sacrifice monsters/life points(with Mausoleum) to summon them as well. The Spell Absorption is to aid me in regaining lost life points due to the Mausoleum. The deck mostly points around my Blue Eyes family, but somewhat on the Red Eyes too. I fusion summon my Blue Eyes Ultimate. If i have my Deal with Dark Ruler as well, I use it when i send my blue eyes to the graveyard to bring Berserk Dragon out as well. Then I sacrifice Blue Eyes Ultimate for Shining. If somehow The Blue Eyes family is broken, then i pull back to my Red Eyes, which, by that time, will be near the end of the duel. Then I pull out Red Eyes Darkness to end it if the Blue Eyes are gone. Seems a bit old, but I like it. What cards should I add/remove from it, as well as what strategy should i use in place of my own in case you find it not that good?

Comparison of Big-M method and two phase methods in solving linear programming problem?

use two phase method s.t x1+x2+x3>=3 -x1+2x2>=2 -x1+5x2+x3<=4 x1,x2,x3>=0

What drums does nicko mcbrain use?

Premier Custom with Paiste cymbals and Paiste gong. DW Hardware (pedals, stands) Toms x11 Cymbals x11 Gong x1 Bass x1 Snare x1

Can you fix or rate my dragon deck?

decklist monsters:21 blue eyes white dragon x3 chaos necromancer x1 masked dragon x1 armed dragon lvl3 x2 armed dragon lvl5 x2 armed dragon lvl7 x1 armed dragon lvl10 x1 the dragon dwelling in the cave x1 flamvell guard x1 lord of d x1 vangaurd of the dragon x1 the white stone of legend x1 kaiser sea horse x1 montage dragon x1 mirage dragon x1 tyrant dragon x1 blue eyes shining dragon x1 spell cards:15 flute of summoning dragon x1 polermyzation x2 monster reborn x1 magical mallet x1 stamping destruction x2 dragons mirror x1 deifferent dimension capsule x2 dark hole x1 future fusion x1 white dragon ritual x1 swords of revealing light x1 mystical space typhoon x1 traps:10 dragons rage x1 waboku x1 enchanted javelin x1 judgment of Anubis x1 call of the haunted x1 acid trap hole x1 hidden book of spell x1 raigeki break x1 curse of Anubis x1 self destruction button x1 (hoping i wont need that anymore) extra deck:2 paladin of white dragon x1 blue eyes ultimate dragon x1

What is the best dragon Yu-Gi-Oh deck that is tournament legal?

Mine is: Blizzard Dragon X2 Ryu Kushin Powered X1 Baby Dragon X3 Time Wizard X4 Manga Ryu-Ran X1 Ryu-Ran X1 Armored Lizard X1 Influence Dragon X1 Powered Tuner X2 InterPlanetPurplyThorny Dragon X2 Hieratic Dragon of Eset X1 Light And Darkness Dragon X1 Lord Of D. X1 Koumori Dragon X1 Curse Of Dragon X1 Dragon Of Ice X2 The Dragon Dwelling In the Cave X2 Lava Dragon X1 Two Headed Behemoth X1 Dragunity Arma Mystletainn X1 Hieratic Dragon Of Nebthet X1 Ancient Dragon X1 Dragon Zombie X1 Mirage Dragon X1 Bright Star Dragon X1 Dark Blade X1 Pitch Dark Dragon X1 (I actually have the cards below) MALEFIC CYBER END DRAGON X1 Slifer The Sky Dragon X2 Magic & Traps Card DesctructionX1 Double Summon X1 Gracious Charity X1 Frontline Base X1 reversal quiz X2 MetaSilver Armor X1 Dian Keto The Cure Master X1 Poison Of the old man X1 Dragon Mastery x1 Dragon treasure x1 Fusion Gate x1 change of heart x1

Could you rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck?

Normal Monsters: x1 Cyber-Tech Alligator x1 Luster Dragon x1 Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World Effect Monsters: x1 Apocatequil x1 Arcane Apprentice x1 Consecrated Light x1 Exiled Force x1 Gilasaurus x2 Junk Synchron x1 Level Eater x1 Krebons x2 Majestic Dragon x1 Mobius The Frost Monarch x1 Nitro Synchron x1 Noisy Gnat x1 Penguin Soldier x2 Quickdraw Synchron x2 Quillbolt Hedgehog x1 Road Synchron x1 Skelengel x1 Sonic Chick x1 Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode x1 The Tricky x1 Tuned Magician x1 Tuningware x1 Turbo Booster x1 Turbo Synchron x1 Weeping Idol x1 X-Saber Airbellium Spells: x1 Double Summon x1 Fighting Spirit x1 Heavy Storm x1 Lightning Vortex x1 Magical Mallet x1 Mystical Space Typhoon x1 One for One x1 Pot of Greed x1 Smashing Ground x1 Swords of Revealing Light x1 Synchro Boost Traps: x1 Assault Mode Activate x1 Call of the Haunted x1 Defense Draw x1 Draining Shield x1 Fiendish Chain x1 Graceful Revival x1 Revival Gift x1 Sakuretsu Armor x1 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x1 Starlight Road x1 Synchro Strike x1 Torrential Tribute x1 Trap Hole x1 Trap Jammer x1 Urgent Tuning x1 Waboku Synchros: x1 Colossal Fighter x1 Iron Chain Dragon x2 Junk Warrior x1 Majestic Star Dragon x2 Nitro Warrior x1 Power Tool Dragon x1 Red Dragon Archfiend x1 Road Warrior x1 Thought Ruler Archfiend x1 Turbo Warrior x1 Stardust Dragon x1 X-Saber Urbellum 3 Normal Monsters, 30 Effect Monsters, 11 Spells, 16 Traps, 14 Synchros 60 cards in deck, 14 cards in extra deck Nice...really good. I have three improvements though. 1: Try to add a few more tuners to this deck, i noticed there arent that many and this deck focuses on synchros, so add a few more. 2: Cut down on unnecessary cards. Maybe you could get rid of some spells or traps, or maybe even monsters so you can access the cards you really want e.g tuners, spells e.t.c 3: In my 1st improvement i said add more tuners. You should also try to add more level 4 light monsters, because a really good spell to help with this deck would be Lightwave Tuning. It turns one level 4 light monster into a tuner for one turn

How do you beat level 29 B-Cubed?

okay... took me ages to figure out how to finish it but... up(X3), Right(X5), Up(X2), Left(X1), Down(X4), Right(X2), Down(X1), Left(X1), Right(X1), Down(X1), Left(X1), Down(X1), Right(X1), Down(X1), Left(X1), Down(X3), Right(X2), Down(X1), Right(X1), Down(X2), Left(X2), Up(X1), Right(X1), Down(X4), Right(X1), Up(X2), Left(X2), Down(X2), Right(X1) and finally Up(X1) :) code for level 30 is 676534