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Q: Can used marinade be used to make a sauce if you cook it down to kill the bacteria?
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When do you put barbecue sauce on ribs?

The biggest mistake most people make is putting it on before starting to cook. It should not be put on the meat before grilling. The sugar in most of them will burn and leave you with black and charred outside and raw inside. Wait until the last 5 minutes to put it on the meat.

How do you cook chicken legs?

Make a sauce with honey, mustard, olive oil, ketchup, soy sauce and whisk it. Then make three slits in the chicken leg. Put in a container and allow chicken to marinade with the sauce on it for one hour. Heat oven to Medium Broil. Place chicken slit side down for 5 minutes. Flip chicken over and cook another 5 minutes. Use a brush and the remainder of the sauce to brush over chicken, allow to cook another 7-8 minutes, flip and coat again with sauce, cook another 7-8 minutes. Make sure your chicken is throughly cooked.. enjoy!

How long do you cook meatballs in sauce?

Yes! But i wouldn't recomend it unless you are going to let it cook for a few hours because the sauce (pre made sauce) has a low content of water. Of course you could make your own sauce with canned tomatos diced canned tomatoes peeled tomato paste dryed, basil, rosmary fresh garlic, salt, pepper, oilve oil, and Water and just make it extra watery and let it cook down its the same method you use to make a pasta casserole or lasagna.

What is the clearly defined difference between American ketchup and tomato sauce?

Ketchup is spiced tomato sauce cooked with vinegar. Tomato sauce is the sauce made by cooking tomatoes down until the meat of the tomato breaks down into a sauce consistency. Ketchup is spiced tomato sauce cooked with vinegar. Tomato sauce is the sauce made by cooking tomatoes down until the meat of the tomato breaks down into a sauce consistency.

How long do you bar-b-que chicken breast for?

I usually grill it skin side down for 10 to 15 minutes then flip it and cook it bone side down until it's cooked through over low heat. this can take as long as 20 minutes or as short as 5 minutes. Use a skewer to check it, when you pierce the flesh there should be no reddish tint to the juices, they should be clear. I usually add barbecue sauce to my chicken for just the last few minutes. If you mean cooking it in barbecue sauce or a marinade, as some do, I cook it for 20-25 minutes per pound over low heat or indirect heat.(no flame under the chicken). Then I'll put it over the flame for a few minutes for a little char on each side.

Why is cranberry sauce always labled upside down?

Check comments on Jason Nitzberg's website "Cranberry sauce upside down label mystery"

What does marinate mean in cooking?

Marinating is a cooking technique, the marinade adds flavour to the food, it also helps to break down protein which makes the food tender a succulent. You can baste the food with the marinade whilst it's cooking to keep it moist.

How do you make brown chippy sauce?

Gold star brown sauce, watered down with vinegar,easy as that.

How far does ground beef cook down?

This would depend on the amount of fat in the beef. The more fat, the more the meat will cook down. Leaner meats cook down less.

How will milk in the fridge affect the bacteria that is in the milk?

Refrigeration will slow down the growth of bacteria in the milk, but not kill the bacteria. This will slow down spoilage.

How do you cook something down?

To cook something down is to reduce the quantity of liquid. This is done to concentrate the flavor.

Why does marinating meat tenderize it?

The acid in wine breaks down the proteins in meat, tenderizing it.