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Yes they can. Or, so legend has it.

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Q: Can vampires smell blood from far away?
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How far can sharks smell blood up to?

sharks can actually smell blood from almost a mile away

How far away can a shark smell blood from?

1 mile is how far away sharks can smell blood.

Do sharks eat blood?

No since you can eat a liquid but sharks can smell blood from very far away.

From how far can a shark smell blood?

Sharks have an extremely good sense of smell! They can detect one drop of blood in 25 gallons of water and can smell blood over 1/4 mile away.

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it can smell as far as 16 yards away

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Wolves have been known to smell objects as far away as 1.6 km. An object does not have to be far away for a wolf to smell it, though - they can smell something right next to their nose.

How far away can a great white shark smell?

saw on discovery or history channel that they can smell one drop of blood from three miles away. have no idea how they can do it.

How far the white shark can smell the blood?

grate whites can smell blood far from 1 to2 miles in water

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A Lioness can smell things from 30kms away.

How far away can a hyena smell?

a hyena can smell up to 15 metres away

Can African cats smell far away?

they have intense smell.

How far away can you smell a flower?

you cant smell far away u have to smell it up close to smell it