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Q: Can various foods affect the nature of digestive enzymes?
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How do vegetables decompose?

Vegetables are made up of molecules called biomolecules, which are known as organic molecules. There are enzymes (various proteins) in nature to degrade all the forms of biomolecules!

Where in nature are enzymes found?

Protease, a protein-degrading enzyme, is secreted in pancreatic juice and activated in the small intestine.

Is bile digestive juices?

it is basic in nature

How does nature affect climate?

Climate change can cause various effects. It causes living organisms to move from their natural habitat.

What is nature of ribozymes?

Ribozymes are RNA catalyzing enzymes.

Is E Coli useful to nature?

Yes, you have it in your digestive system!

Can we say that enzymes work in optimum conditions only if yes than why?

No, we cannot say that because most enzymes are not at optimal conditions in nature.

What are some things that can affect science?

Nature is considered as a mother of everything, nature can reverse and affect Science.

What is a substance that helps food digest?

enzymes are the chemicals which speed up allchemical reactions. these reactions also include digestion. they are proteins in nature.

What is the job of Hydrochloric Acid found in gastric acid?

hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach, this creates an acidic environment for digestive enzymes such as protease and amylase to start breaking down your food It is the stomach. The acidic environment prevents the majority of ingested (and potentially dangerous) bacteria from surviving past the stomach as the acid quickly denatures most enzymes. It is noticeable that carnivores like big cats have exceptionally acidic stomach environments, due to the nature of the food they eat.

What creates a unit that works its way along joining amino acids together?

enzymes do this, or the great aid of enzymes is how they are joined. the "unit" would be the enzymes, who created the unit? dont know, mother nature? rRNA

What is enzyne?

enzymes are catalyst used in biochemical speed up reactions by reducing its activation energy.mostly enzymes are protein in nature.