

Can vocal chord disfunction ruin your singing voice?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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i have had vocal chord disfunction my entire life i started singing when i was seven and nothing happened so i think you are fine

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Q: Can vocal chord disfunction ruin your singing voice?
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What is vocal training?

Training for your voice, eg. singing Training for your voice, eg. singing

Your voice broke singing it cracked when you hit the highest and loudest note you pushed it way to hard Will you ever recover?

Your voice should recover. Take it easy. Your vocal chord is a muscle. It is easy to strain. If it has not recovered in a week see an ear, nose, and throat doctor. Not only can you strain your vocal chord, you can break it. There are ways to amplify your voice without straining your vocal chords. It is too bad you have not been taught them.

How can you train your singing voice?

yes you can. there are various vocal exercises to help train your singing voice.

How do you imrove your singing voice?

Do vocal exercises or go to singing lessons or PRACTICE

What are the symptoms of a strained vocal chord?

Hoarseness in voice, slight pain when talking.

What is good for your voice before singing?

Drink lots of water to hydrate your vocal cordsDo some vocal exercises

Why are voice lessons important?

You can develop and ameliorate your voice by taking vocal lessons or just singing in the shower!

How can you built confidence in your singing voice?

Practise singing in the mirror and when singing in front of an auidience try not to look at them too much But if you want your voice to be louder try vocal exercises

Why womens voice is shriller than man voice?

A womans voice is naturally higher than a man's voice because vocal chord are basically an elastic band and women's vocal chords are much shorter than men's are. So imagine a shorter elastic band - it producers a higher pitch when twanged. A baby's vocal chord is around 1cm long and grows throughout childhood. For men, when their voice breaks, they have a sudden growth of the vocal chord. Hence the reason they have an Adam's Apple, as their vocal chords are longer.

What musical instruments can you find inside your body?

your singing voice or vocal cords.

What makes a great singing voice?

PRACTICE....PRACTICE.......PRACTICE.....also it is great to challenge your voice and to improve your vocal range