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Q: Can volcanoes release gas into the stratosphere?
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What volcanic gas is released the most by volcanoes?

Volcanoes release H2S, HCl, SO2, CO2, etc.

What is the density of gas in the stratosphere?

the density of the stratosphere is about .18

Is the stratosphere a solid or a gas?

The stratosphere is a rarefied gas; solids are possible only as minute impurities.

What is the stratosphere's gases?

The main gas found in the stratosphere is ozone. It is present in the form of ozone layer.

New gas that is joining the atmosphere of the Earth from what source?

Volcanoes release gas that was trapped within the Earth.

What area of the stratosphere has a great amount of ozone gas?

The area of stratosphere that contains ozone gas is ozone layer. It is completely embedded inside stratosphere.

Which two spheres of earth are the effects of volcanoes and earthquakes found?

stratosphere and hydrsphere

Is the stratosphere a solid liquid or gas?

Looks like a gas.

Why ozone gas is highly found in stratosphere?

Ozone gas is highly found in the stratosphere due to UV rays. UV rays are the ones that construct the ozone gas.

How much sulphur dioxide is produced in Iceland?

Sulphar Dioxide is the gas that volcanoes release. How much Iceland produces depends on how many and how often volcanoes erupt.

What elements are in the stratosphere?

The main element in the stratosphere is the ozone gas. It is present in the form of ozone layer.

What gases makes up the stratosphere?

Stratosphere is pretty thick layer of earth. It is a layer which forms the essence of atmosphere. The stratosphere or the lower stratosphere consists of ozone gas.