

Can water age

Updated: 4/27/2024
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13y ago

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Everything that ever has a scientific explination for existing ages so yes.. Even thoughts can be classed as aging in a way but some things don't change form in a way like humans do! But yes!

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2d ago

Water itself does not age, but it can become contaminated or polluted over time. The quality of water can deteriorate due to various factors such as exposure to pollutants, environmental contaminants, and bacterial growth. Regular monitoring and treatment can help maintain water quality.

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Did the stone age people have water?

Yes, Stone Age people had access to water sources such as rivers, lakes, and springs for drinking, cooking, and other daily activities. Water was essential for their survival and they developed techniques to collect and store water for their needs.

Why did people in the Neolithic Age need to live near water?

People in the Neolithic Age needed to live near water for drinking, irrigation for crops, and for transportation. Water was essential for survival and for agriculture which was a key aspect of their economy.

How did they collect water in stone age?

During the Stone Age, people collected water by digging shallow wells, using animal bladders or skins to hold water, and collecting rainwater in containers made from materials such as animal horns or wooden bark. They would also often rely on natural sources like rivers, streams, and lakes for their water supply.

Why did the stone age people start their farms near rivers?

Stone age people started their farms near rivers because of the fertile soil deposited by floodwaters, access to water for irrigation, and the presence of a water source for drinking and bathing. Rivers provided essential resources for agriculture and daily life.

How did the old stone age people get water?

Old Stone Age people got water by collecting it from nearby rivers, streams, lakes, or natural springs. They would use containers made from animal skins, clay, or wood to carry and store water for drinking and cooking. They also developed techniques for digging wells to access groundwater.

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Kangaroos do not die after drinking water at the age of one year. Kangaroos keep on drinking water throughout their lives.

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It froze all of the water and still today it is frozen.

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when you are strong enough to carry the water for a long distance you do it its not about age

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100 years ago

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depends on what fish you have.

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What happen to the water at sea in the ice age?

some of it freezes

In astrological mythology what characterizes the Age of Aquarius?

The age of aquarius is typically called the water bearer and is often depicted as a person usually a man who carries a large jug of water and pours it out.

How much water do 12 years old need to drink?

8 glasses of water for any age