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Q: Can water cross cell membranes only by way of channel-mediated diffusion?
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What does osmosis have to do with cell membranes?

Osmosis is the water molecules diffusion across the cell membranes. More informations can be find at

What substance can pass though cell membranes by diffusion?


Is osmosis a form of diffusion?

Yes. Osmosis is a special case of diffusion - in involves just water diffusing across a semipermeable membranes - like in cell membranes.

Water crosses plasma membranes through specialized channels?

Water crosses plasma membranes through specialized channels called diffusion and concentrated gradient.

What allows water to pass through?

water can pass through cell membranes by osmosis- similar to diffusion

Which of the following processes cause substances to move across membranes and doesent require energy ATP?

diffusion or osmosis (diffusion of water)

What channels does water cross plasma membranes?


What allows water molecules to pass through?

water can pass through cell membranes by osmosis- similar to diffusion

What is the process where in the diffusion of water cross a cell membrane?


What can move across the plasma membrane freely by diffusion without the help of a transmembrane protein?

Water and small, non-polar molecules can cross the membrane without transport proteins. The process of this automatic movement is called diffusion; the diffusion of water specifically is called osmosis.

What is the passage of water through call membranes?

simple answer osmosis defined as the diffusion of water from a area of high concentration to a area of low concentration.

Explain how hydrophobic molecules cross cell membranes?

cell membranes are made of a lipid bilayer, molecules with hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails. These molecules arrange in parallel lines with the tails facing inwards towards each other and the heads facing outwards towards the water. Hydrophobic molecules are drawn into the lipid bilayer, trying to get away from the water.