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Q: Can water get in lungs after death?
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Which internal organ absorbs more water during water death?

Lungs because the animal or human would be gasping for air.

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How can drowning cause death?

Well, when drowning, the lungs are being filled with water. This water replaces the necessary oxygen to keep you alive. If you take no breath, all the oxygen is used up and without oxygen...death. Hope this helps. :)

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How much water does the body lose each day from the lungs?

Two ways, your body sends water to the lungs. This usually happens during infections of the lungs, such as pneumonia. Or you can "inhale" water. Your body is trained to "swallow" water, so you have to be intaking air when water is introduced.

Do shark have lungs?

No, they have gills.Sharks do not breathe with lungs, but with gills that absorb the oxygen in the water.

What is the only organ in your body light enough to float on water?

Well not all organs can float, but lungs can float on water

Do reptiles have lungs or gills?

Lungs. Only fish and some amphibions have gills.Yes. They have lungs because they don't live in the water, they just tend to go into the water to moisturize or to grab a bite to eat

Does drinking water put water in lungs?


Can water get in lungs on a dog in the bath?

It is possible but very unlikely. If a dog inhales the water then yes it will get into its lungs.

If a person drowned in a hottub would the water be in their lungs or stomach?


Do people suffer with the death rattle?

No, it is an involuntary rush of air from the lungs immediately upon death.