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Q: Can we declare two instance variables with the same name in class?
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What is Variable Shadowing in Java?

In Java, there are three kinds of variables: local variables, instance variables, and class variables. Variables have their scopes. Different kinds of variables have different scopes. A variable is shadowed if there is another variable with the same name that is closer in scope. In other words, referring to the variable by name will use the one closest in scope, the one in the outer scope is shadowed.A Local Variable Shadows An Instance VariableInside a class method, when a local variable have the same name as one of the instance variable, the local variable shadows the instance variable inside the method block.

Difference between field and local variable?

Well, hehe its quite simple. You must be a dumb little nerd if you cant find it out. I suggest taking Pre IB computers and eating cherrios for breakfast to clear your mind. Maybe after a hot shower with your rabbit youll be able to brainstorm through the ultimate collage of confusion!

What is class variable?

Class Variables or Instances variables are variables that are declared inside a class and are available for the whole class. They are available for all instances of that class and are not specific to any method. Ex: public class Test { private String name = "Rocky"; } Here name is a class variable.

What are non static members in Java?

Local variables (on the stack) or dynamically allocated variables (in the heap) are nonstatic variables. Static variables, constants and globals are all allocated in the program's data segment.

What is mean by instance variable with example?

hi friend.... Instance variable means with which you need to create an obeject in order to invoke any methods or variables defined in a class. For ex: class A { int a=10; public void inc() {return a++; } } To invoke a member A b=new A();; System.out.println(b.a); If incase of a static method you can directly call using class name itself. like : b=Math.sqrt(a);

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Name a common Java library class that has public instance variables?

The Math class has public variables - defined as final, of course - for the mathematical constants PI and E.

What is Variable Shadowing in Java?

In Java, there are three kinds of variables: local variables, instance variables, and class variables. Variables have their scopes. Different kinds of variables have different scopes. A variable is shadowed if there is another variable with the same name that is closer in scope. In other words, referring to the variable by name will use the one closest in scope, the one in the outer scope is shadowed.A Local Variable Shadows An Instance VariableInside a class method, when a local variable have the same name as one of the instance variable, the local variable shadows the instance variable inside the method block.

Difference between field and local variable?

Well, hehe its quite simple. You must be a dumb little nerd if you cant find it out. I suggest taking Pre IB computers and eating cherrios for breakfast to clear your mind. Maybe after a hot shower with your rabbit youll be able to brainstorm through the ultimate collage of confusion!

What is class variable?

Class Variables or Instances variables are variables that are declared inside a class and are available for the whole class. They are available for all instances of that class and are not specific to any method. Ex: public class Test { private String name = "Rocky"; } Here name is a class variable.

What are non static members in Java?

Local variables (on the stack) or dynamically allocated variables (in the heap) are nonstatic variables. Static variables, constants and globals are all allocated in the program's data segment.

What is mean by instance variable with example?

hi friend.... Instance variable means with which you need to create an obeject in order to invoke any methods or variables defined in a class. For ex: class A { int a=10; public void inc() {return a++; } } To invoke a member A b=new A();; System.out.println(b.a); If incase of a static method you can directly call using class name itself. like : b=Math.sqrt(a);

What is an accessor?

An accessor is a method in a Java Bean that is used to access the private variables of the class. Usually instance variables in a bean are declared as private and they can be accessed only via these accessor methods. Ex: public class Employee { private String name = ""; private int age = 0; public String getName(){ return; } public void setName(String nm){ = nm; } public int getAge(){ return this.age; } public void setAge(int ag){ this.age = ag; } } In the above example name and age are instance variables and the methods beginning with get and set are the accessor methods.

How do you declare a member of a class static?

Static MethodsStatic keyword when used with a method, specifies that this method belongs to the class and not a particular instance of the class (a.k.a object of the class)Ex:public class StaticTest {public static String getAuthorName() {return "Anand";}}Here getAuthorName is the static method and it can be accessed without instantiating an object of the class StaticTest. You can access this method as:String authorName = StaticTest.getAuthorName();Tip: It is important to know that, a static method cannot and I mean CANNOT access instance variables or methods of the class. It can only access other static methods and variables.For Ex:public class StaticTestBad {private String name = "Rocky";public static String getAuthorName () {return name; //Cant work!!!}public int getAge(){return 28;}public static int getAuthorAge() {return getAge(); //Cant Work Again!!!}}If you try to compile this class, you will get compilation errors at the two lines that I have commented out.Static VariablesThe static modifier tells the system that this particular variable belongs to the class and does not belong to any specific instance of the same. The class will contain only one instance of the static variable irrespective of how many objects of the class you create.

Why do you need to create a structure?

structure is collection of elements of different type.consider if i am storing details of students in a class,i am declaring variables like name,age,rollno...i have to use different data types.If i am declaring 4 variables of different datatypes for each of the student(let there are 100 students then i have to declare 400 variables,which is vague...)so i can use a structure with 4 variables(of different datatypes) and use any array for structure variable like as follows...struct class{char name[20];int mark;}s[100]; here s[100] simply process 100 students details...

Object and classes Use a person as an example?

A class is like a template. You can define a class "Person", which defines what type of data you want to store for a person - for example, for a computer game, the person's name his accumulated score, and how many lives he has left. The class might better be called "Player" in this case - but you can just as well store other data for a Person.Then, you create objects for two different players. You declare variables player1 and player2, both of type "Person". It is in these variables - player1 and player2 - where you store specific information about individual persons.A class is like a template. You can define a class "Person", which defines what type of data you want to store for a person - for example, for a computer game, the person's name his accumulated score, and how many lives he has left. The class might better be called "Player" in this case - but you can just as well store other data for a Person.Then, you create objects for two different players. You declare variables player1 and player2, both of type "Person". It is in these variables - player1 and player2 - where you store specific information about individual persons.A class is like a template. You can define a class "Person", which defines what type of data you want to store for a person - for example, for a computer game, the person's name his accumulated score, and how many lives he has left. The class might better be called "Player" in this case - but you can just as well store other data for a Person.Then, you create objects for two different players. You declare variables player1 and player2, both of type "Person". It is in these variables - player1 and player2 - where you store specific information about individual persons.A class is like a template. You can define a class "Person", which defines what type of data you want to store for a person - for example, for a computer game, the person's name his accumulated score, and how many lives he has left. The class might better be called "Player" in this case - but you can just as well store other data for a Person.Then, you create objects for two different players. You declare variables player1 and player2, both of type "Person". It is in these variables - player1 and player2 - where you store specific information about individual persons.

Will JVM execute static methods by default like static variables in java?

No. Static methods are invoked by using the name of the class instead of the name of an instance of a class. Example: public class Test { public static void methodA { // do something ... } public void methodB { // do something else ... } } A program could use methodA by simply calling it using the class name: // call the static method Test.methodA(); To use methodB(), a program would have to first create an instance of the class then call the method: // call the non-static method Test t = new Test(); t.methodB(); Note that you can call methodA from the instance: // call the static method Test t = new Test(); t.methodA(); However, this is considered bad practice. And you cannot call methodB at all using the class name: // can't do this - compile error Test.methodB();

Examples of accessor method?

Accessors are methods defined inside classes to access the private variables of the class. It is always a good practice to have instance variables as private so that, other classes cannot access them directly. This would avoid unwanted modification of data. These variables can be accessed only via their respective accessor methods. Ex: public class Test { private String name = ""; public String getName(){ return; } Public void setName(String val){ = val; } } Here getName and setName are the accessor methods for the variable name.