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Q: Can weathering reduce the height of a mountain?
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Describe how weathering reduces the height of mountains through millions of years?

Actually, weathering does not reduce the height of a mountain...erosion does. The rate of mountain erosion depends on the nature of the mountain material rate of weathering and the climate primarily. Some disappear in thousands of years or less while other take millions of years to go.If orogenic-isostatic uplift is faster than the weathering/erosion rate, then there will be mountain growth instead of height loss.(c) me )Rate This Answer

How does weathering reduce the height of mountains through millions of years?

weathering reduce the height of mountains through million of years because of weathering like wind, rain and people because its like they are migrating from one place to other.

Does sediment or weathering reduce mountain to gravel?

Weathering. Sediment is a type of rock composed of layers dating back to thousands of years.

How weathering reduce the height of the mountain?

Rain water seeps into cracks and weak spots in the rock. When the water freezes, it expands as it turns into ice. It is the ice that forces the cracks to widen, and could cause rocks and boulders to come away and plunge down the mountain side. Scree shoots are another example of weathering.

How does weathering reduce the height of mountains through a million of years?

by the wind over millliion of years and it breaks down

What are the connection with weathering and the turtle mountain?

the way the turtle mountain was created was by weathering.

How Weathering and erosion effect mountain?

weathering and erosion most likely affect a mountain overtime by making the mountain shorter.

How will the processes of weathering erosion and deposition affect a mountain range?

it will effect the mountain ranges because it can reduce the mountains to very small structure like a plateau or a plain and thus it would ultimately lead to a change in landform.

What effect does weathering have on igneous rock?

The effect of weathering is to reduce the volume of the igneous rock.

How can you reduce chemical weathering?

Shelter the objects being affected by chemical weathering from rainwater.

How do weathering and erosion change a mountain?

it changes because of the weathering and erosion that takes away the soil and rocks causing it to lower and move to another place, which means that a new mountain will form from the weathering and erosion.

Do mountain rocks cause chemical or mechanical weathering?

No, they don't. Rocks don't cause weathering at all. They are the things which get weathered.