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Yes the people of the Netherlands in Europe used to do it all the time they are called polders I believe.

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Q: Can wetlands be dried up
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How many gallons of water can wetlands hold?

One acre of wetlands can store up to 360,000 gallons of water One acre of wetlands can store up to 360,000 gallons of water

What percentage of Australia is covered by wetlands?

It is difficult to give a straight answer. Despite being the driest continent on earth after Antarctica, Australia has 520 wetlands which are recognised by state authorities as being "important". Coastal and marine wetlands, which make up 161 of these recognised wetlands, make up 42% of the coastal strip. The coastal strip is roughly defined as a 3 km strip extending from marine waters inland. This coastal strip also includes very large areas of mangroves and tidal flats, mostly in northern Australia. The percentage of the coastal zone defined as wetlands varies from 64% in Northern Territory to 14% in Tasmania. There are also numerous wetlands areas inland, but many of these have dried up as a result of European settlement interrupting normal water flows. There are no readily available figures suggesting Australia's percentage of actual wetlands.

What are temporary wetlands?

Temporary wetlands are wetlands that never stay wet or filled with water all year round. These wetlands often fill up with spring run-off or during high precipitation periods, but dry up with dry or drought periods. Some of these wetlands may stay dry for several years before filling up with water again when a wet period hits.

What is the Greek word meaning dried up?


What jobs do people in wetlands have?

to suck up the water

How do wetlands affect the air?

pollution will go up if they disapear ozone layer will go down if wetlands disapear many smoggy days

What is considered a consequence of sedimentation to wetlands?

quicksand made by nature is miraculous, get a man to create it "unwittingly" its disastrous. scientific authorities of the past denied any probability of this consequence. i guess those ideals are just as dead and dried up as our algae ponds /lakes'.

How does wetlands help us?

Hope this helps! wetlands..... purify water, protect from flooding, provide habitats for animals, and soak up flood water.

What is the archaic word meaning dried up or withered?

The archaic word for dried up or withered is "adust."

Does California have wetlands?

There are many wetlands in California

How do wetlands filter harmful substances?

hey KT waz up

What things will happen when the water dried up?

If the water dried up, ther is a high possibility of dying of thirst.