

Can whales and dolphins communicate under water?

Updated: 1/25/2020
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14y ago

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Whales and dolphins can't communicate under water

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Q: Can whales and dolphins communicate under water?
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Related questions

How do whales and dolphins comunicate under water?

whales and dolphina are two different spicies thatdon't communicate with eachother

How can dolphins communicate under water?

Dolphins communicate under water by using echolocation

What sea animals communicate under water through sounds?

well seals,dolphins,and whales but that's mostly all of them

How do some marine animals use sound in water?

yes. eg. whales and dolphins. they communicate by using song waves under the water.

A single animal That lives under water?

whales and dolphins

What animal is born under water and it is not a fish?

Whales and Dolphins are born under water and aren't fish.

Can a whale talk?

No. If a whale could talk that would be as weird as my sister. _______________________________________________________________________ Whales have been known to communicate great distances under water. Scientists are still trying to decipher what the sounds they make represent. _______________________________________________________________________ No. Whales can't talk in human language but can talk or communicate communicate great distances under water through high frequency sound waves just like dolphins.

How do dolphins and whales breath under water?

They don't. Dolphins and whales breathe air just like we do. They can hold their breath for a long time, but they come up to the surface to breathe.

If whales and dolphins are mammals how can they live under water for such long periods at a time?

It is beacouse of their blowholes

Where do blue whale communicate?

Blue whales communicate under water with the same type of species. But somehow, they are also able to communicate to each other when they are above the water trying to find food.

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Can you find iguanas under water?

no, iguana's are reptiles, meaning a mammal, you don't find them under water! The only mammals under water are dolphins, turtles, sea cows and whales. Hope this helps!