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It is beacouse of their blowholes

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Q: If whales and dolphins are mammals how can they live under water for such long periods at a time?
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Dolphins killer whales and whales follow under which categorize in the group of mammals?

Cetaceans, which is further split into Mysticeti, baleen whales, and Odontoceti, toothed whales, which includes dolphins, killer whales, and porpoises

Why are whales and dolphin classified under mammals?

Doplphins are mammals. They breathe through lungs and have hair on their body for at some of their live. They also have internal fertilization.

Can dolphins breathe air above water or do they have to breathe under water?

No mammals can breathe underwater. All mammals, including sea mammals, must breathe above the surface of the water. This is why marine mammals such as dolphins and whales frequently come to the surface.

Can whales and dolphins communicate under water?

Whales and dolphins can't communicate under water

Do hippos breath under water?

No, they have the ability to hold their breath for long periods of time. (ie. whales, dolphins, etc.)

How do dolphins and whales alike?

They both have blowholes. They both live under the sea. They both breathe air. There skin is blubbery. They are both mammals

Scientiific name for marine mammals?

Whales and dolphins are under the group called "cetaceans." Seals belong to the group of "pinnipeds."

How many types of mammals fish under water?

Whales, dolphins, porpoise, seals, walrus, sea-lion, otters and bears all fish underwater.

Do most fish have gills?

all fish have gills. they have gills instead of lungs, so they can breathe under water. Whales and dolphins do not have gills because they are mammals.

Can you find iguanas under water?

no, iguana's are reptiles, meaning a mammal, you don't find them under water! The only mammals under water are dolphins, turtles, sea cows and whales. Hope this helps!

How dolphins and whales different from fishes?

killer whales are mammels there for need to come up to take in however can breath under also lay eggs but killer whales and dolphins give birth to a smaller version of themselves

Does dolphins give live birth or lay eggs?

Dolphins are mammals which means they give live birth, under water!