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For a short while. They are an active, cold water fish that require plenty of room and cool oxygenated water. That's difficult to achieve in a one gallon container. A five gallon aquarium would be much better, with at least ten gallons being preferred.

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Q: Can white cloud mountain minnows live in a one gallon tank?
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Related questions

What do white cloud mountain minnows eat?

Any well balanced flake food for tropical fish will do.

Do goldfish and minnows do okay together?

Only if they are white cloud minnows.

Can you buy white cloud minnows or guppies in the UK?

Yes, almost all shops sell guppies and nearly all of them sell white cloud minnows.

How do you remove mosquitoes from a garden pond without polluting the water?

She can buy some little fish that will eat the mosquito larvae. I have White Cloud Mountain minnows.

How long can minnows live?

If by minnow you mean the "white cloud mountain minnow" (Tanychthys albonubes) then they are old at around 2-3years.

Can white mountain mino fish have babies?

Whitecloud Mountain Minnows are egg layers.

What is white clouds?

White clouds can refer to a couple things. It can describe clouds that are white in appearance. It can also refer to the nickname of White Cloud Mountain minnows, which are a type of fish.

Can you keep a betta with bumblebee gobies?

No, but some tank mates you can consider if your betta is in a 10 gallon tank are neon tetras, rasboras, white cloud minnows, or even some ghost shrimp.

If I have a 10 gallon tank with one male black moor fish in it what other type of fish could I put in with him.?

You could put in more goldfish. You could also try some White Cloud Mountain Minnows. If you want a Algae eater then you could get one or two Chinese Algae eaters.

Are White cloud minnows cold water fish?

Yes they are. Plenty of websites will give advice.

How many flakes do you feed 3 white cloud minnows per day?

2 twice a day for each of them.

Can you fit 4 fish in one gallon fish bowl measuring 12 by 12 inches?

It may be possible to keep 4 small fish in a one gallon fish bowl, depending on the type, size and needs of the fish you choose. It will also depend on whether or not the fish bowl has a filter, and if your fish can live without a heater. For example, because they do not get large, 4 white cloud minnows can be kept in a one gallon bowl with a filter and they do not require a heater. You can also keep a male beta or Siamese fighting fish with a few white cloud minnows; or 2 small goldfish which can grow too large or the bowl.