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No, but some tank mates you can consider if your betta is in a 10 gallon tank are neon tetras, rasboras, white cloud minnows, or even some ghost shrimp.
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Q: Can you keep a betta with bumblebee gobies?
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Can a betta live with one bumble bee goby?

Not in a gallon bowl. Bettas are best in 5 gallons plus. Bumblebee Gobies in 10 gallons plus. If the tank was larger though, it would depend on the size and temperament of the Bumblebee Gobies. You don't want to add aggressive or territorial fish into a tank with a Betta Fish. Your Betta may bully your fish with some tail nipping, so make sure there are plenty of hiding spots for all the fish. Bumblebees are generally exceptionally peaceful, however, there is some debate as to whether they're brackish or freshwater! There are around 5 different very similar looking species of fish that get sold under the one name of "Bumblebee Goby".It will also depend on your specific Betta. You may want to keep him in a tank with just one or two other fish and observe closely for a day to see how he behaves. If he appears to be overly aggressive, then you will want to keep him by himself (with the exception of an algae eater is usually okay). Goldfish of a decent size are the best fish to tank with your Betta if your Betta has never had a tank mate before.Multiple male Betta should NEVER be tanked together - they will KILL each other.If you are tanking multiple female Betta together, you must have at the very least four of them, but five is better. They have a pecking order and if you have only two of them, they'll kill each other. With larger numbers, they can appropriately adjust to a pecking order and won't kill each other. It's called a Betta Sorority, and should never be attempted by an amateur, or in a tank less then 10 gallons.Again, sometimes the individual Betta will have their own temperament. If you end up with an overly aggressive Betta (either gender), you may have to house him or her alone.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This "Goldfish of a decent size are the best fish to tank with your Betta if your Betta has never had a tank mate before." Is incorrect. Any goldfish may start out tiny and innocent looking but the common comet goldfish can grow 2ft long and the fantails need at least 20 gallons each. Simply putting it, if a goldfish get's to grow to it's full size a betta will be breakfast(or lunch, depending on when it eats him/her) Bumblebee gobies are best kept in a species only tank or with a small school of Emerald eye rasboras or Red tail rasboras. Bumblebee gobies need a meaty diet and will nibble at any long flowy fins, I know this because my first one was housed with a single male guppy and his tail was almost gone from the BBG nibbling.

Interesting fact about gobies?

round gobies have 2 kinds of male

What type of babies do gobies have live or eggs?

Gobies are egg layers.

Does the Camaro really turn into bumblebee when you have it?

No. Sadly there is only one Bumblebee. The other Camaros are just to keep the bad guys guessing.

Where do gobies live?

Gobies are small freshwater fish, so, lakes and rivers.

How do gobies adapt to their environment?

They PUFF UP !

Female betta and a male betta and they keep fhigting?

All bettas will fight each other, male or female. Always keep them separated.

Will black ghost knife fish eat neon tetras and bumblebee gobys?

The short answer is yes. I would recommend although, if you do intend to keep them with small fishes such as Neons and Gobies, that you keep your BGK well fed and feed just before or when you turn the lights out as they are nocturnal hunters and they would rather "hunt" slow moving (or lifeless in the case of frozen foods) then expend greater energy on faster moving prey. Hope this helps you out.

Should you kill round gobies?

you should kill Round Gobies because they are invasive and it would help if you kill them i guess.

How much does a betta eat?

A betta eats a few pellets or a pinch of flakes 3 times a day. It is best to use only food designed for a betta. Also keep in mind that a betta's stomach is the size of his/her eye.

What are Gobies defense mechanism?


What can you keep in a 1.5 gallon tank?

Personally, I wouldn't keep anything in a 1.5 gallon tank. Not even a single Betta. I consider 5 gallons to be a minimum for a single betta.