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Of course - once they are initiated/dedicated into Wicca, by yourself of another, you are literally doing that; dedicating into the Craft. But you are not tied to it for the rest of your life. If you feel the calling to leave Wicca behind in order for you to grow spiritually, then that's what you msut do.

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Q: Can wiccans convert to other religions?
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Some religions consider it offensive if you convert to OTHER religions.

Did the wiccans worship Christ?

They can. The Wicca religion does not mandate that you drop beliefs in other religions, so many Wiccans do worship Christ. Still, many others do not. Wiccans are accepting of others' beliefs and values, so you can be a Wiccan and still worship Christ.

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Lucifer is a fallen angel found in the Abrahamic religions. Wiccans are a branch of Paganism. Pagans do not follow the Abrahamic teachings and do not even believe in the existence of Lucifer. Therefore, Wiccans do not worship Lucifer.

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Satan is not worshiped in any Pagan religions. The only known religions in which Satan is a part are Satanism and Christianity (and its offshoots- Catholicism, Judaism, etc.). Please be very aware of this fact: Wiccans do not worship the devil, nor do Wiccans even believe in the devil.

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There are many religions in Colorado. Christianity, wiccans, new age, Baha'i, Jehovah witness, Mormon's, catholics, and Protestant's.

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they were hoping the jews would convert

What is the name for people that try and convert people to other religions?

Evangelist. Proselytiser. Nuisance.

What is the wicca diet?

There is no single diet followed by all Wiccans. Some Wiccans are vegetarians or vegans while other Wiccans enjoy meat without any special concern.

How do you find other wiccans?

We are EVERYWHERE and still growing!

Who nature worshippers?

Wiccans and Indians are best known for worshipping nature. There are many subcategories to these religions but all are based on nature and it's properties.

What countries practice wicca?

Wicca started in England. It is widely spread in USA, and also in Australia. Wiccans live in so many countries, all around the world including India and Sri Lanka. Wicca is not limited to one country. You cannt say how many Wiccans are there in a country, because when wicca is not known to the general public of a country or if there is a negative stigma about Wicca in a country, Wiccans don't openly tell what their religion is. One other reason is, Wiccans do not point out other Wiccans to non Wiccans, or even to other Wiccans