

Can wind kill people

Updated: 12/7/2022
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12y ago

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Yeah I bealive it can I was outside last night and the wind was blowing so hard my whole entire body felt like it was cracking and breaking crazy as hell be careful for powerful wind's the wind itself can be harmful if you do run across this make sure you run with the wind and prey to god while your running that you dont turn into a flat peice of bread due to wind turbulance.

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Can wind kill us?

Yes. If the wind is strong enough it can topple trees and overturn unanchored structures, potentially killing people. Very strong wind, such as that found in tornadoes and hurricanes can carry objects at high speeds.

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Yes, that is one way. However, about 90% of hurricane fatalities are due to flooding.

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Yes, bugs.

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The rotating blades can kill birds, and space will have to be cleared for the windmills. It's also bad for people's health.

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Kill em with kindness. Rude people expect you to be rude back to them. If you are nothing but sweet to them, it takes the wind out of their sails.