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Yes by having a hysterectomy

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Q: Can women get all of their eggs removed?
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Related questions

Can women crave eggs while pregnant?

Yes, all pregnant women crave different things and eggs can be one of those things.

Are women born with their eggs?

yes. men are not born with all their sperm.

What are woman eggs?

A: Women's eggs are referred to as ova (plural). ONE egg is referred to as an ovum, and the sack that holds all of the eggs are called ovaries.

Why do women have their ovaries removed other than cancer?

i believe women get their ovary or ovaries removed because of the cancer. Which i am terrified of. I hope scientists - doctors find a cure for all cancer

Where does the female egg come from?

Female eggs come from the ovaries. These are the female gonads where all the eggs a women will have are produced before birth.

What are woman?

A: Women's eggs are referred to as ova (plural). ONE egg is referred to as an ovum, and the sack that holds all of the eggs are called ovaries.

Can your eggs be removed after a partial hysterectomy?

After a partial hysterectomy the eggs released from the ovaries are absorbed into the blood stream.

Why do women have eggs but give live birth?

all animals have eggs, but it depends their fertilization development type (which is either internal or external). Humans are mammals, and all mammals give live birth unless it is a monotreme, which lays eggs.

There are 15 eggs in a tray Three eggs are removed from tray If a box holds 16 trays how many eggs are there in 20 boxes?

4,707 eggs

Do all eggs turn into chicks?

The eggs have to be fertilized before being laid in order to "grow" a chick. No most hens eggs for the human food chain are infertile all eggs are screened for fertility (blood spot in egg if fertile) any fertile eggs are removed before packaging. Most battery eggs are infertile, there is more chance of a fertile egg from free range chickens.

How many eggs does a women have in her body?

a woman has 1069 eggs in her body

Lovebird has been warming eggs for 30 days that were not fertilized should they be removed or will the bird discard them eventually?

They should eventually be removed from the cage or the birds will continue to incubate the unfertillized eggs.