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i believe women get their ovary or ovaries removed because of the cancer. Which i am terrified of. I hope scientists - doctors find a cure for all cancer

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Q: Why do women have their ovaries removed other than cancer?
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How do you get estrogen if you had uterus and ovaries removed?

Usually women who have had their ovaries removed have to go through hormone replacement therapy or take a hormone pill.

Is Hysterectomy good for Cervical Cancer?

Yes. Cervical cancer is often caused by the HPV virus that is sexually transmitted and by removing the cervix the cancer/virus is also removed if it hasn't spread beyond that point. In the US 600,000 women a year go through a hysterectomy. Some only have the cervix removed while other also have a complete hysterectomy with the ovaries as well.

What is Sirius cancer?

Sirius cancer is ovarian cancer; a cancer of the ovaries in women. Symptoms of Sirius cancer include frequent urination, bloating, abdominal or pelvic pain and loss of appetite.

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Spaying is the term used for animals.Hysterectomy for female women but essentially they are the same procedure.

Why is cervical cancer more likely to be diagnosed early but ovarian cancer is not?

Because that test is taken regularly in women and since the cervix is reachable from the vagina and the ovaries is not, it's easier to spot.

Which women would be good candidates for HRT?

if they: need to prevent osteoporosis have had their ovaries removed need to prevent heart disease have significant symptoms

In what stage of cervical cancer you can say its worst that it will come up to the death of the patient?

While stage is an important indicator in the severity of cancer, it is not the only area that dictates survival rates.The stage of a cancer describes its size and the extent to which it has spread. The staging system ranges from Stage 0 (early stage) to Stage IV (late stage). Stage I: This stage describes cancer that is still confined to one or both ovaries. Stage IA: This is the earliest form of stage I cancer. Cancer is present inside one ovary. No cancer cells are present on the outside surface of the ovary or in the abdomen or pelvis. Stage IB: With this stage, cancer is present inside both ovaries but no cancer cells are present on the outer surfaces of the ovaries. There are also no cancer cells in the abdomen or pelvis. Stage IC: With this stage, cancer is present in either one or both of the ovaries. In addition, cancer cells may also be present on the outer surfaces of one or both ovaries; the outer wall of a cystic ovarian tumor may have ruptured; or cancer cells may have been found in tissue samples from the abdomen. Stage II: This stage describes cancer that is present in either one or both of the ovaries and has spread to other organs within the pelvis, such as the uterus, Fallopian tubes, bladder, the sigmoid colon, or the rectum. Stage IIA: With this stage, cancer is present in one or both of the ovaries and has spread into the uterus and/or Fallopian tubes. However, cancer cells are not present in the abdomen. Stage IIB: With this stage, cancer is present in one or both of the ovaries and has spread to other pelvic organs, as the bladder, colon, rectum, or uterus. Stage IIC: The cancer is in one or both ovaries, and the cancer has spread to lymph nodes and/or dposits of cancer larger than 2 cm (about 3/4 inch) across are seen in the abdomen. Stage III: This stage describes cancer that is present in one or both of the ovaries. In addition, the cancer has spread past the pelvis to the abdominal lining and/or has spread to the nearby lymph nodes. Stage IIIA: With this stage, the cancer is present in one or both of the ovaries, and cancer cells are also present in small amounts in parts of the abdomen. Stage IIIB: With this stage, the cancer is present in one or both of the ovaries, and cancer cells are also present in amounts less than two centimeters (three-fourths of an inch) in parts of the abdomen. Stage IIIC: With this stage, the cancer is present in one or both of the ovaries. In addition, the cancer has either spread to the nearby lymph nodes or cancer cells are present in amounts greater than two centimeters (three-fourths of an inch) in parts of the abdomen. Stage IV: This is the most advanced stage of ovarian cancer. Cancer cells are present in one or both of the ovaries, and the cancer has spread (metastasized) to other organs igures that are available suggest that in women with early stage ovarian cancer, more than 7 out of 10 (73%) will live for more than 5 years. This is a general figure and individual situations do vary. 5 year survival rates may drop below this level for some women who have a poorer outlook because of general ill health, their age or the type of tumour they have.In women whose ovarian cancer has spread into tissues close to the ovary more than 3 out of 10 (34%) will live for more than 5 years.In women whose cancer has spread into lymph nodes close to the tumor, more than a quarter (27%) will live for more than 5 years.In women whose cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic cancer), between 5 to 33 out of 100 women (5 to 33%) will live for more than 5 years. The statistics for stage 4 vary quite a bit between reports. This is because this stage covers a lot of different situations. It means the cancer has spread, but it has different effects depending on which type of ovarian cancer it is and which part part of the body it has spread the body, such as the liver or lungs.

What is the cause of hysterectomy bilater salpingo-oopherectomy?

There are many reasons for this operation but it is usually done to treat ovarian cancer.The ovaries are removed and also fallopian tubes are removed as it has been shown in recent studies that some cancers start there as well. The cervix is removed for cervical cancer and the uterus for uterine cancer. Some women choose to have this operation if they are at high risk of ovarian cancer especially those with BRCA 1 and " heredity genes or strong familial links to ovarian and breast cancer. A unilateral salpingo oopherectomy may be dome for ectopic pregancy where the egg matures in the fallopian tube.

Do women get tested for Ovarian Cancer?

However, google male uterine cancer and a man did get uterine cancer from a kidney transplant. Then of course, there is the issue of transgender, people that have both sets of sex organs, etc.

What is mastectomy surgery for?

Mastectomy surgery is defined as the surgical removal of breast and breast tissue. It can be performed on high risk women who want to possibly prevent breast cancer or women who have breast cancer.

Where are egg cells found on a women?

A woman's ovaries release the egg,

What does Bilateral Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy mean?

It is a surgical procedure in which the uterus and both the left and right ovaries and fallopian tubes are surgically removed. The woman automatically goes into menopause (if she hadn't already).