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No, this career field is currently closed to women. However, Army Special Operations Command has started creating Cultural Support Teams (CST). These teams are groups of women who accompany special operations teams into areas where the interaction between local women and male special operations personnel would be considered inappropriate, namely countries in the Middle East and Africa. Women who pass the training to become a member of a CST are awarded the MOS of 38B and are apart of Civil Affairs and PsyOps Command, which is a subordinate command of Army Special Operations Command.

There are also Female Engagement Teams (FETs) in both the Army and Marines, however, they are attached to Infantry and Armor units, not SOF units. Members of CSTs go through a more rigorous selection and training process than FET members because of the unique nature of special operations missions.

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Q: Can women fight on the front line?
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Should Australia allow women to fight in the front line of armed combat?

yes, they should be allowed to. women should be treated equaly to men.

Have women ever in any country been allowed to fight in the front line?

In WWII, on the Russian front, there were women fighter pilots, snipers, radio operators, medics but I don't think front line infantry. During the Israeli war of 1948, they were on the front lines, but I don't know what capacity.

Do women fight in war for US?

I think the all women should fight in front lines in the war because if the women are brave to take care of their kids while their men is in the war the should they are also able to fight in the front lines in the war.

When were women first allowed to fight in the US military?

Women are not officially allowed to be on the front line but because of the nature of being close to an area where fighting is going on, it is possible for women to be involved in it. Many countries allow females to be front line troops. Of those that do the date will vary according to the country in question.

What were women's roles in desert storm?

In the Navy they were used to fight the ships the same as the men and every roll that could be done by men. With the exception of front line invantory troops.

What can women do in the british army?

women are aloud on the front line but as medics and are now aloud to join the 2nd line of defence

Did women fight in world war 1?

No. They stayed at home helping on the home front.

Did women want to fight in World War 2?

Some women did fight in World War 2. Some were nurses, some had desk jobs, and some were spies. Some were just women in the line of fire.

Were women allowed to take part in D-Day?

There were no women in the front line forces of any army at that time.

What was the role of women in the 1940's in the US?

Women were left to stand the home front while the men went off to fight in WWII.

Women soilders in the civil war?

No! There were camp followers, but no front line soldiers. Women might have driven wagons or been nurses.

What were women prohibited from doing during World War 2?

The could not fight in combat. The women in the military could learn to use guns but they could not fight in the front lines. They were also not supposed to get pregnant, esp. out of wedlock.