

Can xHxH be hemophillia

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Can xHxH be hemophillia
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XhXh - with hemophilia XhXH- carrier of hemophilia

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Who are the famous people that had hemophillia diseases?

Abraham Lincoln

Is there is any cure for hemophillia in the world?

pigs milk extract.

Is hemophillia an inherited disease?

yes it does so yes it does so

What are advantages of hemophillia?

Untreated hemophillia would probably protect you from diseases caused by blood clot formation (heart attack, some forms of stroke). However, this would be far outweighed by the risk of dying from uncontrolled bleeding.

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it shouldn't the disease where blood stops clotting is hemophillia

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What specific organelle is unable to produce clotting factors when someone has Hemophillia?

the organelle that produces all the proteins in the body is the ribosome, but hemophillia is a genetic condition, so the ribosome is not affected at all but the genetic information that the ribosome needs to produce that specific protein.

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Since you did not specify what parental cross you wished to represent this is the best I can do for you. A "normal" male would be represented as XHYo - gametes XH and Yo A male with hemophilia would be represented as XhYo - gametes Xh and Yo A female non-carrier would be represented as XHXH - gametes XH A female carrier would be represented as XHXh - gametes XH and Xh A female with hemophila would be represented as XhXh - gametes Xh

Could a Girl have hemophillia?

Yes. Hemophilia is sex-linked, and is much more common in males than in females, but it is not impossible for a girl to have hemophilia.