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Yes. They can also cause complications that include sterility. See your gynecologist.

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13y ago

No, creams would not cause your period to be late. If you have been sexually active, I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test.


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What would cause menstrual bleeding for a 42yr old women in between periods?

If the bleeding is between periods then obviously it can't be menstrual bleeding - menstruation is your period. If you're seeing mid-cycle spotting the most likely cause is hormonal imbalance causing mid-cycle spotting with hormonal shifts around ovulation. This may be the onset of early menopause.

What would cause bleeding a week early?

The following will cause early bleeding: * Irregular period * Pregnancy * UTI * Hormonal Imbalance * Stopping birth control * Starting birth control

You started your period five days early could you be pregnant?

If you are having a period, you are not pregnant. However many women confuse their periods with vaginal bleeding and vaginal bleeding can be a sign of pregnancy particularly in early pregnancy.

Can marijuana cause bleeding early in pregnancy?

keep smokin it healthy;)

Can sex make your period come early?

Well in some occasions its not the period but the tearing that is causing the bleeding... And its normal to start you're period early, some girls get it when they are 7-8 years old and the latest would be when a girl is 14-16... So if you dont get it after 16, that means you are preagnant or you have a problem. And no sex doesn't cause early periods!!! :)

Does papaya causes periods early?

No, papaya does not cause your periods to start early - just like green tea, it's one of these really bizarre myths that circulate around online. Your period starts when it is due to start according to your menstrual cycles, you can't speed-up your cycles or skip phases of your cycles to start your periods early. You can induce your periods if they are due or late, but nothing you eat will make your periods start early.

How long does light bleeding in early pregnancy last?

Light bleeding in the first few weeks of pregnancy is also called implantation bleeding. It can last anywhere from 1 to 7 days. It will be extremely light if it is indeed implantation bleeding. Women can experience very light "periods" during the first 6 months of pregnancy.

What does it mean when there is bleeding between periods?

Women can be so complicated when it comes to their bodies. Many women can bleed between periods and sometimes there is no reason at all. If it continues please see your doctor. You can never be too careful. If you are 38 or over your body could be going into peri menopause which will cause irregular periods or irregular bleeding and women have been known to go into full-blown menopause as early as 38 up. Please have your doctor check your hormone levels. Answer Hi I had Pink stringy blood in my discharge 11 days after my period 2 weeks before i was due on for my other period. It was Implantation bleeding which is a pregnancy sign and I got it in between my periods which you does happen of cause. 2 weeks after I got it got a strange period with no cramps or nothing I didn't feel like I was on at all. I could be pregnant and still have a period but I wouldn't know. If you had sex and it was kinda rough then that can cause bleeding which is brown.

What is this mess pirve?

Its possible it may effect your cycle. It may cause you to have a late or early period or irregular vaginal bleeding.

Can getting really upset during very early pregnancy cause bleeding?

There are many things that can cause bleeding early in pregnancy. Keep in mind that when you are pregnant your blood volume doubles and your cervix is very sensitive. It is common to bleed after sex. It is also possible that if you are very early the baby is imbedding and that is causing bleeding. There is also always the possibility that you are miscarrying. The only way to know for sure that everything is alright is to contact your doctor and be checked out. I wish you the best of luck!

If you take the nuva ring out early will your cycle begin?

If you take out NuvaRing early, you may or may not have bleeding. This bleeding is withdrawal bleeding, not a menstrual period.

How can you tell the difference betweenan early period and implantation bleeding?

How can you tell the difference between an early period and implantation bleeding?