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Q: Can you Explain why I try inherited by incomplete dominance such as the color of Appaloosa horses is not a blend of two alleles?
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Explain why a trait inherited by incomplete dominance is not a blend of two allels?


Explain why a trait inherited by incomplete dominance is not a blend of 2 alleles?

look it up on some other website please because i dk I love dgf

Explain why a trait inherited by incomplete dominance such as the color of appoloosa horses is not a blend of two alleles?

The inheritance of a dominant and a recessive allele results in a blending of traits to produce intermediate characteristics.

Explain the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance?

Incomplete dominance is when one allele is not completely dominant over the other. Codominance is when both alleles contribute to the phentotype

Explain what you would see in that shows incomplete dominance?

-parents are both homozygous -offspring show a blend of phenotypes -offspring re all pink

What is the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance?

co dominance is when there is no dominant or reccessive traits just lie in in incomplete dominance the diffrence is in co dominance the are mkore chromosomes

Which blood type is inherited by codominance explain answer?

blood group A & B, because when they inherited together gives rise to AB blood type. AB blood type is co-dominance currently there is no incomplete dominance blood type known to the scientific community

A red bull when crossed with white cows always produces roan-colored offspring explain how the colors for red roan and white are inherited?

This phenomena is called incomplete dominance. Neither red nor white in this case is dominant to the other. You can also see this when breeding a Charolais (white) to an Angus (black) The offspring are kind of grey.

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dominance and segregation.

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Incomplete question.