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Go to .Of course, Trump will not directly see your message, but someone will read it, and if it seems important enough, President Trump will eventually see it.

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Q: Can you Help me get a email to Donald Trump president?
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Nobody knows if Donald Trump is going to win; nobody has a crystal ball.As for whether further information about Hillary Clinton's email controversy is going to change voters' opinions of her, it will not have a likely effect. Most Americans already believe that she is extremely corrupt and disengenuous. The email controversy only confirms this. Since it is not "new" information in that sense, it will likely not change the views of many voters.

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It is difficult to speak for President Trump, or know what will help him change his position. The economics of renewable energy, now cheaper and employing more people than coal mining, will continue to support the Paris Accord, even without the President's blessing.

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== == No!That dude is rich he will never give his money to the poor.He's selfish

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Hi Joe, Recently Donald Trump was on your show ,he was trying to buy products made in the USA. But it was hard for him to do so. Here are some web sites that can help. use the directory I'm going to try to e-mail Mr. Trump too. Todd

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I need your help i am a educated disable person

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3 14 goes into 53 3 times. 14 times 3 equals 42, and when you try to add another 14 in, it equals 56 which it to large. Hope I could help you! How you could help our country: Wear a mask, keep you distance from others, wash your hands frequently, DO NOT vote for Donald Trump, and finally VOTE for Joe Biden for president.

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There help email is this. Email:

Why would you want him to become president at such a senior age Seems to me he might not make it through till the 4 years is over..and that would make his running mate president. God help us?

Assuming this question refers to John McCain, the irony is that in the 2016 election, both Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump would have been older than McCain. Donald Trump is the oldest person to become the president at 70. McCain's choice of a Vice President was bad and pandering; the result of poor political advice, not properly vetting, and attempting to play to identity politics by having a woman as a running mate. Further, many Americans, including the previous answerer were deeply misled, and believe all sorts of crazy things to be true, such as Obama being a Muslim, or terrorist, all of which are obviously not true. Their indoctrination of all Democratic members as "tax and spend" has taken root throughout multiple generations. Indeed, the United States has deep seeded problems of racism and faux patriotism as a mask for otherism. John McCain had many things going for him, and is still alive today (end of 2017) though diagnosed with terminal cancer. The office of the Vice President does not hold too much power when the President is alive, and Palin would probably have been a rubber stamp in the Senate, tie-breaking along partisan lines should it ever have come to that. Overall McCain probably would have been an alright president, or at least one better than our current president. === If speaking of the current president (2017) Donald Trump, that is a much bigger story. All I can say is people are fools who believe the easy lie, when it was just as easy to see the horrible truth. Trump validated people's emotions, pushing narratives of victimization, appealing to the fearful.