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In the UK only minors can be adopted i.e people under the age of 18, this is rarely practised for people over 16 however.

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Q: Can you adopt a person over the age of eighteen so they inherit UK ancestry?
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If you are eighteen and your girlfriend is seventeen and was born in another country and her aunt and uncle have adopted her can you adopt her or help her get emancipated?

until she is 18 is up to the govement and her unkel to let you adopt her but when she is 18 she as a say if she wants you to adopt her

Can you adopt your eighteen year old grandchild in Arkansas?

if he or she is 18, you don't have to. just get them kicked out and take them in yourself.

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There has not been a George VII in the UK but it is expected that Prince Charles will adopt that moniker when king.

Where could a person adopt British Bulldogs?

A person can adopt British Bulldogs from the following sources: Bluecross, Bluedog Rescue, Adopt A Pet, Pet Finder, Adopt A Bull Rescue, Adopt a Bull, eBully Match, to name a few.

Can a person adopt who had a previous DCS case?

Yes a person who had a prevoius DCS case can adopt. My husband and I am in the process of

Can you adopt a child without their sibling?

Yes, you can adopt anyone before age eighteen, however adopting a child without any last family is immoral, at least to some people. It is for the people to decide if they want to.

Can a HIV positive person adopt a baby?

yes they can adopt but they have to be careful when taking care of baby

How many people can adopt a calf on farmville?

Unfortunately just one person can adopt a calf or foal.

Can you adopt a person to become your nephew?

You can adopt someone to be your child but to be your nephew he had to be adopted by your siblings. Then he will be your nephew. There is no nephew-adoption.

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What is blue devil?

Its a person Who Adopt Eviel For The Goodness For Others

Can an English person adopt a Pakistani child?

As many as you want.