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One can adopt a child from Africa by going to Americans for African Adoptions incorporated. One just has to apply for the cause and one is able to adopt a child from Africa.

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It is easier to adopt a child in the US.

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That would be your own if you adopt a foster child.

Can a U.S. citizen adopt a child from Iran?

The only way you can adopt a child is that you have no child of your own at all. I have 2 girls of my own and live in america. my husband wanted to adopt a child in Iran. You also need to have a house or a land under the child's name in order to adopt a child.

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adopt child !! that's all thank you

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no you cant but you can adopt a child

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At the child adopt care officiates there were hundreds of kids that needed homes to live in.

Can a Canadian adopt a Child from The UK or England in general?

yes u can adopt a child from almost anywhere

How do you adopt a child on YoVille?

You cannot adopt a child, you can let them in your house and pretend you adopted them though. :S

Can you adopt a child?

Yes you can