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I am not sure but i don't think so because mine had a baby and it died

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Q: Can you alien babies from the planet scardox have babies and still be alive?
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Do you keep the goo for aliens from the planet scardox?

yes. when your not playing with your alien, keep it in the goo. The goo keeps it alive because the scardoxian (scardox alien) eats it. hope i helped. :D

Are the planet scardox aliens alive?

No, of course not. They're plastic toys.

How do you get babies from single scardox aliens?

i think you put them in a fridge for a week and check on it everyday you will know if its alive because the condensation on the plastic lid

How do you check if a goo alien is alive?

If you mean Scardox Alien i can try my best to help as about 3 months ago i tried to find all about them! I think if the go all try and hard they are dead. Apparently they eat the goo and that keeps them alive. Hope this helps and good luck with them!

How do you know when your scardox aliens die?

put the pod in boiling hot water with the gue and alien and take it out in exactly 1 miniute if it steamed up its alive if not its dead i tried it with two one is dead and one is alive ^.^

How do you know if your scardox alien is alive?

if its breathing, and you know this by the steam on the lid of the pod. the breath steam is not wet, it is just vapour, but condensation can also form, which is wet and you need to get rid of it otherwise the water will drip onto your alien and the goo and both will die if it keeps happening.

Do alien alive?


What happens if you don't have any gue for your scardox aliens?

Without gue your alien will die. To check if it is alive but it in boiling hot water- if it floats it's still alive if it doesn't its dead [You can also see if it starts curling up and shrinking-that also means its dead.]. Get some more gue immediantly if u want it to survive.

How does an alien look?

there not alive

How do you know when a goo alien alive?

put your alien in a bowl of cold water if it floats its alive and if it doesnt float and it sinks its dead

Is I'm Alive still on Animal Planet?

Yes, I I'm Alive and I Shouldn't Be Alive is still on Animal Planet.

When was Alive on Planet Earth created?

Alive on Planet Earth was created in 1919-09.