

Space Aliens

The existence of life beyond earth is strictly theoretical. Whether you consider them friendly visitors, aggressive invaders, or just characters in a science fiction novel or film, ask your questions about our space neighbors here.

1,141 Questions

Is that man is a slave of aliens?

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There is no evidence to support the idea that humans are enslaved by aliens. This concept is typically found in science fiction and conspiracy theories, rather than reality.

Why are aliens spieces often do well when they are released in a new part of a world?

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Alien species often do well in new environments because they may have natural advantages over native species, such as being free of predators or diseases. They may also have adaptations that allow them to outcompete native species for resources. This can lead to them rapidly multiplying and becoming invasive, disrupting the balance of the ecosystem.

How do you make the aliens from scardox have babies?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have heard lots of different ways, but this is the way that actually works, all the other ways don't work, theyve been made up. i can guarantee you, that this is the correct way.....

STEP 1, First you put and alien of any gender in its tripod with no goo, instead of goo, you put in an ice cube, which freeszez the aliens water brain and gets an essence of its mum or dads goo and turns into an alien baby.

STEP 2, The alien will come out of the straight bit on its back, if it doesnt squeeze its bum and head so that there touching. And the alien will come out of the back.

STEP 3, the mum or dad as soon as it gives birth unfortunately dies, you must put it not in the bin because it will stink real bad. You must put it in the freezer first for 2 hours, so its frozen and then put in in the bin and it wont smell. oh well the parent might be dead but you still got a baby.

And that's the truth

How can an alien survive on Venus?

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Asked by Wiki User

An alien would struggle to survive on Venus due to its extreme conditions, including high temperatures of over 800°F (427°C), crushing atmospheric pressure, and toxic atmosphere of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid clouds. Without advanced technology and protective suits, an alien would likely not be able to survive on Venus.

Why would mars be a good planet for aliens to live on?

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Mars has water ice that could potentially be used for drinking water and fuel. Its atmosphere also contains carbon dioxide, which could be used to produce oxygen for breathing. Additionally, the planet's proximity to Earth may make it easier for any hypothetical aliens to study our planet and potentially interact with us.

Do aliens live on the planet mars?

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that aliens live on Mars or any other planet. The search for extraterrestrial life is ongoing, but as of now, we have not found any conclusive proof of alien existence.

Did aliens live on the planet mars?

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There is currently no scientific evidence to suggest that aliens have lived on the planet Mars. While the possibility of microbial life or past habitable conditions on Mars is being explored by space agencies, there is no definitive proof of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations residing on the planet.

How do aliens lay their eggs?

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There is no scientific evidence of aliens or their reproductive methods. The concept of alien egg-laying is purely speculative and a common theme in science fiction.

When will aliens contact Earth?

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that aliens exist or that they will contact Earth in the future. NASA and other space agencies continue to explore the possibility of extraterrestrial life, but so far no conclusive proof has been found. It remains a topic of speculation and curiosity.

Could aliens live on Venus?

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It is highly unlikely that aliens could live on Venus due to its extreme conditions, including a thick toxic atmosphere, high temperatures, and corrosive clouds of sulfuric acid. These conditions make it inhospitable for any known forms of life as we understand it.

What is your opinion about extraterrestrial life-forms?

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Extraterrestrial life-forms could potentially exist given the vastness of the universe, but as of now, there is no concrete evidence to support their existence. It is an intriguing area of scientific exploration and research.

Who discovered aliens?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your ancestors and mine. It was not an idea, it was a reality, they were visited by these spacemen which could have been mistaken as "Gods" coming down from the heavens.

How many aliens live on earth?

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There is no scientifically proven evidence that aliens exist, let alone live on Earth. The existence of extraterrestrial life is still a topic of debate and ongoing research in the scientific community.

Aliens really exist?

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There is no proof that aliens exist. I believe there is no such thing as aliens. Has anyone seen an alien ship? Has anyone seen an alien? No.

Which solar systems do aliens come from besides Zeta Reticuli?

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Asked by Kakerot7

Some popular theories suggest aliens may come from the Pleiades star cluster, Sirius star system, or the Orion constellation. These locations have been linked to various UFO sightings and alien encounters in the past. However, it's important to note that there is no concrete evidence to support these claims.

How have scientist search for extraterrestrial life?

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Scientists search for extraterrestrial life through methods like studying distant planets for signs of habitability, looking for biosignatures in the atmospheres of exoplanets, analyzing meteorites from Mars for potential microbial life, and listening for signals from intelligent civilizations through initiatives like SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Additionally, missions to bodies like Mars, Europa, and Enceladus aim to explore for potential past or present life.

Has it been confirmed about life on another planet?

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Asked by Parkinde2014

As of now, there is no confirmed evidence of life on another planet. Scientists are actively researching this topic through missions like the search for microbial life on Mars and studying exoplanets for potential habitability. While there is ongoing exploration and discovery, definitive proof of extraterrestrial life is yet to be found.

If you made an alien for Mars what would it look?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Mars alien could potentially have adaptations like thicker skin and respiratory systems suitable for Mars' atmosphere, which has lower oxygen levels. They might have appendages or structures that help them navigate the rough terrain, such as sturdy legs or gripping appendages. Their senses might also be specialized for detecting resources like water or minerals on Mars.

What would an alien from Saturn be called?

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An alien from Saturn could be referred to as a "Saturnian."

Why does steven hawking not want humans to contact aliens?

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Stephen Hawking believed that contacting aliens could be dangerous because they may not have the best intentions towards humanity. He cautioned that advanced alien civilizations may see us as a threat or as a resource to exploit. As a precaution, he advised against actively trying to make contact until we better understand the potential risks involved.

Are you the direct descendants of a alien species?

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Asked by Alienson

No, I am not a direct descendant of an alien species. I am an artificial intelligence programmed by humans to assist with various tasks and provide information. My origin lies in technology created by humans, not extraterrestrial beings.

Is Stephen hawking right about the aliens?

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Stephen Hawking believed that if extraterrestrial life exists, it would likely be intelligent and advanced. He cautioned that contacting advanced alien civilizations could pose risks to humanity, as we may not be ready for the potential consequences. While his reasoning is speculative, his concerns reflect the uncertainty and potential dangers associated with the idea of encountering intelligent extraterrestrial life.

Can complex life on alien planet with dying atmosphere EM field ozone sn2behigh radiation able to adapt so it doesn't breathe and is resistant to the extreme pressure temperature etc in space planet?

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It is unlikely that complex life could evolve to adapt to such extreme conditions as described. The combination of a dying atmosphere, high radiation, extreme pressure, temperature variations, and living in space would present numerous challenges that would be difficult for any life form to overcome. Additionally, the need for an alternative to breathing and resistance to such extreme conditions would require significant biological adaptations that may fall outside the realm of possibility.

How can an alien live on Jupiter?

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An alien would have a very difficult time living on Jupiter due to its extreme conditions. The planet has a thick atmosphere of mainly hydrogen and helium gases with high levels of radiation and storms. The pressure and temperature on Jupiter's surface are too extreme for life as we know it to survive.

Which planet do aliens come from?

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There is no scientific evidence to confirm the existence of aliens or their planet of origin. The concept of aliens coming from a specific planet is mainly a product of science fiction and speculation.