


Cosmology is the area of physics that studies the universe in and of itself. Through the use of incredible and ingenious methods of experimentation, cosmologists attempt to discover how the universe began, how it is developing, and how or if it will end. Questions regarding the Big Bang, dark matter, dark energy, the cosmic background radiation, and the initial formation of the fundamental particles can be placed into this category.

776 Questions

What makes science so important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Science is important because it helps us understand the world around us, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems. It also drives innovation and technological advancements that improve our quality of life. Additionally, scientific research contributes to our understanding of natural phenomena and the universe.

What is the personal cosmology in which objects are considered to be alive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Personal cosmology that considers objects to be alive is often grounded in animism, a belief system that attributes a spiritual essence or life force to all things, including inanimate objects. This belief suggests that everything in the world, from rocks to trees to artifacts, possesses a soul or consciousness. Animism is found in various indigenous cultures and philosophies worldwide.

Where to study theoretical physics?

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Top schools for theoretical physics include Princeton University, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Harvard University. These institutions offer strong theoretical physics programs with renowned faculty and research opportunities. Additionally, consider factors such as location, resources, and specific research interests when choosing where to study theoretical physics.

Since gravity cannot be seen is it Dark Matter?

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Asked by WisdomIsPower

No, gravity is a natural force that can be directly observed by its effects on objects. Dark matter is a substance that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, and its presence is inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter. The two concepts are distinct but related in terms of understanding the behavior of the universe.

What are some primary contributors to background radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some primary contributors to background radiation include cosmic rays from outer space, naturally occurring radioactive elements in the Earth's crust, and radiation from radon gas. Additionally, medical procedures like X-rays and flying in airplanes can also contribute to background radiation.

How do you find the secret to the universe?

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Asked by Wiki User

The secret to the universe is a philosophical concept that may not have a definitive answer. Some people believe in exploring science, spirituality, or experience to find their own understanding of the universe. It may be a journey of self-discovery and reflection.

How many g on BPM 37093?

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Asked by Wiki User

BPM 37093, also known as the "diamond planet," is estimated to have a surface gravity of approximately 1.1 g, or 1.1 times the gravity of Earth. This high gravity is due to the planet's dense composition, predominantly made up of carbon.

How fast could an ion drive accelerate a ship?

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Asked by Wiki User

An ion drive can accelerate a spacecraft gradually over time, reaching speeds around 90,000 mph (145,000 km/h) in space. The acceleration depends on various factors, such as the power of the thruster, spacecraft's mass, and the efficiency of the engine. It is slower to accelerate compared to chemical rockets, but can be more efficient for long-duration missions.

What do you call a rip in space time?

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It is not an established fact that space time has any rips in it, but the term wormhole has been used by physicists to describe a possible hole in the normal space time geometry, caused by an extreme gravitational field.

What the unverse is made of?

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Asked by Wiki User

The universe is primarily made up of dark matter, dark energy, and normal matter. Normal matter includes atoms and particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up stars, planets, and the things we see around us. Dark matter and dark energy are mysterious components that scientists are still trying to understand.

Were there gamma rays in the singularity that gave rise to the big bang?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is believed that gamma rays were present during the early stages of the Big Bang, produced as a result of high-energy processes. However, the extreme conditions of the early universe make it impossible to directly observe these gamma rays.

Why roti bread is round?

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Asked by Wiki User

Roti bread is traditionally round in shape to ensure even cooking on a flat griddle. The round shape allows the dough to be stretched and rolled out easily in a circular motion. Additionally, the round shape is practical for tearing and sharing the bread during meals.

What are three primary contributions to Astronomy?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Observing and studying celestial objects and phenomena, such as stars, planets, and galaxies.
  2. Developing theories and models to explain the behavior and structure of the universe.
  3. Using technology, such as telescopes and satellites, to gather data and expand our understanding of space.

What are the seven realms of Anglo Saxon cosmology?

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Asked by Wiki User

The seven realms of Anglo Saxon cosmology are Midgard (earth), Asgard (realm of the gods), Vanaheim (realm of the vanir gods), Jotunheim (realm of the giants), Alfheim (realm of the light elves), Svartalfheim (realm of the dark elves), and Helheim (realm of the dead). Each realm had its own significance and inhabitants in Anglo Saxon mythology.

What is beneficial of physical science?

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Asked by YoshAponio

Physical science helps us understand the natural world by studying the behavior of matter and energy. It provides a foundation for technological advancements and innovations that improve our lives. Additionally, it promotes critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper appreciation for the universe.

Why were there particle's before the big bang?

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Asked by Wiki User

The exact nature of what existed before the Big Bang is still unknown to scientists. Some theories suggest that the early universe was in a highly compact and energetic state with fundamental particles already present, while others propose that time and space as we know them began at the moment of the Big Bang. It remains a topic of ongoing research and debate in the field of cosmology.

What color is the big bang?

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Asked by Wiki User

The colour of the big bang is impossible to tell. The singularity (a point of infinite density) before the big bang actually happened would have so much mass that not even light could escape, similar to a black hole. So right as it happened, which was expanding faster than the speed of light, it's density would still be enormous enough for a moment to not allow light to escape, but then once it did allow light to escape, all the light that it did not allow and "sucked" in would suddenly escape and with all that light it would be impossibly bright, and would seem white. And not until much later would you be able to see the colour and it would be many different colours depending on where you are looking (assuming that your retina's were extremely tough and didn't vaporize with the ridiculously brightness of the big bang)

Which theory of the universe did the 1964 discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation support?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 1964 discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation supported the Big Bang theory of the universe. This radiation is considered a remnant of the early stages of the universe when it was hot and dense, aligning with the predictions of the Big Bang model.

What did scientists predict the big bang should have left behind?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scientists predicted that the Big Bang should have left behind a faint glow of radiation spread throughout the universe, known as the cosmic microwave background radiation. This radiation was discovered in 1965 and is considered one of the strongest pieces of evidence in support of the Big Bang theory.

Did all iron on earth originate from the big bang?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, iron on Earth was mostly formed through stellar nucleosynthesis in the cores of massive stars that went through the process of supernova explosions. While some iron may have originated from the Big Bang, the majority was created later in the lifecycle of stars.

How fast do you have to travel to catch fire?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not possible to catch fire due to speed alone. However, if an object is traveling at extremely high speeds in Earth's atmosphere, the friction with the air could generate enough heat to cause it to catch fire. The specific speed needed would depend on various factors such as the object's shape and materials.

How do astronomers determine the speed at which a galaxy is moving?

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Asked by Wiki User

Astronomers determine the speed at which a galaxy is moving by measuring the redshift of light coming from the galaxy. The redshift is caused by the Doppler effect, which shifts the wavelength of light depending on the motion of the source. By analyzing the redshift, astronomers can calculate the velocity of the galaxy relative to Earth.

Is it true studies provide evidence that there is a great amount of unseen matter called dark matter composed of dim stellar remnants that have no mass?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studies have not shown dark matter to be composed of dim stellar remnants. Dark matter is thought to be made up of a non-baryonic, non-luminous material that does not interact with electromagnetic forces. Its presence is inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter in the universe, and its exact nature remains unknown.

What are the top questions about the big bang bang theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two questions commonly asked:

1. Is it real, or did God create the universe ex nihilo?

2. Did the Big Bang create more than one universe?

3. How can the big bang account for dark matter and dark energy?

Were Apollo astronauts hot or cold on the moon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Apollo astronauts experienced extreme temperature variations on the moon, ranging from around 260°F (127°C) in direct sunlight to -280°F (-173°C) in shadowed areas. They wore specially designed spacesuits to protect themselves from these temperature extremes.