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Q: Can you apply for an apartment while in bankruptcy?
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Related questions

Can you stop your bankruptcy while in process?

You will be discharged usually after 12 months, on the first anniversary of the bankruptcy order, but there are different dates which might apply to you.

Can an apartment complex refuse to rent an apartment to you if you have filed for bankruptcy in the state of Florida?

Yes, an apartment complex can refuse to rent an apartment to you if you have bad credit. A bankruptcy alone will not stop you from being approved or disapproved from an apartment, they will consider your overall credit score and credit history.

If you walk out of an apartment lease can your roommate be affected by bankruptcy?

visit this site for rid from apartment lease

How do I apply for a section 8 apartment?

You can apply for section 8 apartment online as well as in the local office. The website at which you can apply for it is

Can you apply for a student loan after a filing for bankruptcy?

Only if the bankruptcy is currently discharged.

Can you apply to become an attorney if you have personally filed for bankruptcy in the past?

Yes, but you have to provide a copy of your bankruptcy file.

Can you file a bankruptcy an still apply for us citizenschip?

I think yes..there is no relationship between filing bankruptcy and apply for citizenship.filing bankruptcy is a personal issue its not a any crime or what.its true that it will be remain in your name for some years but it does not affect on your citizenship.

If the tenant in the apartment filed a bankcrupcy its ok to stay in the apartment still?

The bankruptcy has nothing to do with the landlord. If they pay the rent, they can stay; If they don't pay, they gotta go.

Can an old creditor ask for money if you did not include them in a Bankruptcy?

Yes. If they were not included then the bankruptcy doesn't apply to any debt owed to them.

How can one declare corporate bankruptcy in the UK?

To be considered bankrupt, a court has to issue a bankruptcy order against you. One can apply to the court for bankruptcy if they are unable to pay their debts.

Cosign lease extension?

To cosign a lease extension means to become legally responsible for the lease agreement alongside the primary tenant. This includes agreeing to uphold all terms and obligations of the extended lease period as a form of guarantee for the landlord in case the primary tenant is unable to fulfill their responsibilities. It's important to understand the implications and commitments involved before agreeing to cosign a lease extension.

Can a creditor apply bankruptcy for a 7500 amount?

Creditor don't apply for bankruptcy...debtors do. Bankruptcy is not for any particular must be for everything you owe and everything you owe. All of the last is used to pay all of the first, and then any excess MAY be reduced or dissmissed.