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yes you can but you would still have to pay for child support

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Q: Can you as a father sign off all rights to your child?
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How do you sign your rights over to the father of your unborn baby?

In all 50 states, you have to wait for the child to be born before you can forfeit your rights to a child.

Your child's father wants to give up his paternal rights and to you what documents do you need?

i would like to know what papers do i need to have the father of my child sign to give up all his rights to my child financial and emotional and physical rights

In the state of Florida can the father of a child sign over all rights and not pay child support if he wants nothing to do with the baby?

only if the child is then adopted

If you are the father and sign over all your rights do you still have to pay child support?

No, but you can't anyway. see link

Can a father sign all his rights over to the mother of the child?

If the father is considered legally to be psychologically incapable (or impaired) to be a fit parent via evidence presented by a forensic psychiatrist in a criminal case, usu. held at either the district or state-level judicial court; then, yes, the father is must sign all legal rights to the child's mother.

If mother wants to give full custody of the child to the father what does she have to do?

It is very rare that a Mother wants to give full custody of a child to the Father. To this all a Mother would have to do is choose to sign and give up her rights to the child in court.

How do you get the biological father to turn over his rights?

Without more information to go on, it's rather difficult to give much of an answer. If it's his child, and he wants to be in the child's life as an active father, and he is not abusive to the child, then you don't. You don't try to force him to give away his rights as the father, nor do you do that to your child. Children have a right to know, and be with, their biological parents unless the parents are abusive. Is it a case of two teens and an unwed pregnancy? If so, he still has his rights as the child's father. If you don't want to raise the child, then give him sole custody and sign away your rights. On the other hand, if he doesn't want the responsibility of raising the child himself, but is not willing to sign away his rights, then that's a different matter. But there is no way to force him to sign away his rights. If it's a case where you and the child's father are not together, and he is not involved in the child's life, and you have a husband who loves and wants to adopt your child, then, again, there is no way to force him to sign away his parental rights. In all of the above situations though, if you have custody of the child, you can have the courts force him to pay child support.

Can an illegal immigrant mother receive child support if she leaves country and father gives up all rights?

If the father Legally gave up his parental rights - (signed legal papers), then he is no longer legally responsible to pay child support for the child. Did he give up parental rights so you could remove the child from the country? A family member of mine had to have her baby's father sign away his parental rights so he would not have to pay child support when he entered the military. So - once parental rights are signed away Legally, the father has NO obligation to pay child support. You cannot have it both ways - you cannot have him sign away his parental rights, yet still expect him to pay child support.

If the biological father didnt sign birth cert and has not been around in 3 yrs does that mean you have all parental rights?

Since the biological father did not sign the birth certificate, he has no legal rights to the child unless he wants to pursue them through means of a paternity test which he would have to pay for.

Does the father have rights to know where the child is at all time if child was removed from his custody?


How does a mother sign over child rights to the father in ny?

All you need to do is contact the Family court in your state and obtain the necessary paper work. Keep in mind, signing your rights does not releave you from financial responsibility/child support.

What is the Louisiana law regarding birth of child by another man that's not the husband?

I'm not sure about Louisiana but many states say that the man who is married to the women is the father no matter if he is the biological father or not so he would have the rights to the child example: if they were to divorce he would be responsible for supporting the child in less he decided to sign over all of his rights to the child in which case he would no longer have rights to claim that child or visit