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Your 'intent' is not a part of the offfense. No one can read your mind and tell what your intent is when you come at them 'brandishing' a cane. If it puts them in fear of being struck by it, you have committed an assault.

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Q: Can you assault someone with a cane if you dont strike them and have no intent?
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You should always ask a law enforcement officer before you act in any way. The following answers are only in respects of SELF DEFENSE... it is never okay to assault someone. If it is a walking cane with a hidden weapon (knife or sword) inside, then you must check your state's concealed weapons laws. However, if you are just looking for a standard walking aid, then you could probably beat your assailant to smitherrines the same way a woman can with her purse, or you could with an umbrella.

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Candy canes are hard sticks of candy that are bent into a cane shape. It is the cane shape that makes a candy cane a candy cane.

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Login to Facebook and search your Surname

Why the enmore martyrs on strike?

THE ENMORE MARTYRS. By 1948, most sugar workers in Guyana were giving support to the Guyana Industrial Workers Union (GIWU). On 22 April 1948, cane cutters, backed by the union, went on strike demanding the abolishment of the existing "cut and load" system in the fields.

When is sugar cane harvested in Louisiana?

With a sugar cane harvester. See the related link below for a picture. Sugar cane can also be harvested by hand.