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Q: Can you assign your future social security disability benefits to a creditor?
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Related questions

Is it legal for debtor to assign debt to a willing third party?

It is not legal for a debtor to assign debt to a willing third party unless the creditor is involved. The creditor must approve the transaction. For example, the sale of an automobile with the statement agreeing that the buyer takes over payments is valid if the creditor agrees.

What if the creditor that enters the judgment sells the account to a new company and the old creditor didn't assign the judgment to the new creditor How do you pay off your judgment?

Make your payment to the clerk of courts office in the county your judgment was entered in.

What is article 1213 of the civil code?

A solidary creditor cannot assign his rights without the consent of the other.

Do medicare enrollees have the right to assign their benefits to HMOs?


Which groups are used to directly assign permissions to resources?

security groups

What happens to judgment when the plaintiff goes out of business?

The judgment is still collectable, it does not simply go away. The creditor may assign the debt to a third party, who has full authority to collect it, however the creditor may notify you, the judgment debtor, ehere and when to send payments. its still a judgment against you, and will remain so until the creditor instructs the Clerk to cancel it, by stating you have paid, or rather "satisfied" the judgment against you.

Do you still owe the original creditor if it was purchased by another lender?

No, ih he sold it he no longer has any right to it. But frequently, they just hire or assign the right to collect it to another, in which case the debt is still owed to them.

What is opposite of assign?


How does assigning users to groups simplify the process of administering security?

Assigning users to groups simplifies the administration of security by allowing permissions to be assigned to users based on their groups rather than having to assign permissions to each user.

What is the Hebrew word for assign?

to assign = hiktsá (הקצה)

How do use the word assign in a sentence?

for example I will assign you to be the class presiden. assign means to hire

Which group type allows you to assign permissions to resources as well as receive messages via active directory-enabled email application such as Microsoft exchange?

Security group