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The lack of two battle phases makes this kinda moot.

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Q: Can you attack then normal summon then attack once more with the newly summoned monster in Yu-Gi-Oh?
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Can a monster attack on the turn it is summoned in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, a monster can attack the turn it is Normal, Flip, or Special Summoned unless it says otherwise.

Can a monster attack the same turn it was Normal or Special Summoned?

Yes, unless the card itself or another card on the field says so, a monster can attack on the same turn it was Normal or Special Summoned.

Can you attack with a monster right after you summon it?

depends if the monster has any special conditions under "effects" if its a normal monster then yes you can attack after summoned if its an effect monster and it doesn't say anything where you have to wait then you can attack the same turn. Hope this helps

Can a normal summoned monster attack in the same turn that you also special summon a different monster?

Yes of course. Special summoning never affects what can attack or not, unless specifically stated otherwise. You could normal summon and special summon a monster in main phase 1 and attack with both.

What happens to a Special Summoned Gemini monster?

The answer to this question can vary. Unless the card that Special Summoned the Gemini Monster specifically says otherwise, the Gemini Monster will be treated as a Normal Monster. If you have not already Normal Summoned this turn, you can perform said action on the Special Summoned Gemini Monster. There may be cards such as Black Brutdrago that states "The Special Summoned monster is treated as an Effect Monster, and gains its effect." In this case, as it states, the Special Summoned monster gains its effect while it is on the field and you do not have to resummon it.

When you Flip Summon a monster what battle position is it in?

A face-down monster can only be Normal Summoned in face-up ATK position.

If you summon a monster with question mark ATK can someone use Trap Hole on it?

Yes, someone can use "Trap Hole" if it's attack is determined to be 1000 or greater when Normal Summoned. For example, let's say I Normal Summon "The Calculator". If it is the only monster on my field it's attack is immediately determined to be 600. If I already had a 4 star monster then summoned "The Calculator", it's attack is immediately determined to be 1200 and "Trap Hole" can be activated to destroy it.

Can an effect monster be summoned?

um, yeah... all monster can be normal summoned, flip summoned, special summoned etc unless specified otherwise. eg, ancient gear golem says "this card cannot be special summoned".

Yu-GI-oh is set summon the same thing as normal summon?

Setting is similar, yet not identical to normal summoning. a normal summon is when you Summon a monster onto the field in face-up attack position, whereas a set is when you normal summon a monster in face-down defense position. When a monster is set, it is not yet considered a summoned monster.

How do you summon a skeleton for real?

It is a Lv6 Normal Monster so can be Tribute Summoned by offering one monster as tribute.

Does king tiger wanghu kill marshmallon if marsh is set then attacked?

King Tiger Wanghu only cares about a monster's ATK when it is Normal or Special Summoned. A monster with weaker stats can be Set, and will be safe when flipped, or flip summoned. It is only if the monster is Normal or Special Summoned with a low enough ATK that Wanghu will trigger and destroy it.

Is there a level 4 normal dark monster in Yugioh?

yes its name is dark blade